Health & Medical Medicine

Applied Of Kineziologiya - Diagnostics Is Treatment The Health

constitutions. Acupuncture also of psycho-somatick.
Prof. Vasil'yev L.F. of the head of the laboratory of the manual'noy
therapy FNKETS TM dl of roszdrava.
Seroshtan YE.P. - the doctor of
igloterapevt FNKETS TM dl of roszdrava.
With the work of refleksoterapevta frequently are used the points, which be
important for the
psychosomatic state of patient
. In connection with this it is necessary to
use them under the reflector influence, i.e. to simultaneously conduct psychosomatic
, is otherwise possible the aggravation of psychoemotional state
and an increase in the time of rehabilitation.
Refleksoterapevty work with the points of the meridians from the position of
the levels of regulation channel
- meridian system
, in particular from the position of the laws Of in' - Jan,
"u - sin" (five prime elements), etc., but frequently not from the position of
the laws, which exist into the tele- person, including of psychoemotional
In medicine there are ideas about the constitution of health and disease. In
traditional eastern medicine on the psychoemotional special features of people
they subdivide into seven types, seven emotions: glad, angry, sad, subjected to
fear, pensive, sad, alarming, that they correspond to Western constitutions.
Choleric - glad, angry, phlegmatic person - sad, subjected to fear, melancholiac
- pensive, sad, alarming, sanguine person - glad, alarming. (3, 4, 5).
In also the time in the literature is described the clinical procedure of the
estimation of the psychoemotional constitutions of health and disease with the
aid of the
manual'nogo muscular testing
(change in the activity of reflex to the
tension of postural muscles), by doctor D Diamond, this idea of the
psychosomatic conditionality of the fixed points of the meridians, whose
activation which they testify not so much about channel - meridian disturbance,
as about the psychosomatic disturbance in patient.
The purpose of our study was:
1. To explain the possible influence of
psychoemotional disturbance on the state of the constitution of health and
disease from the position of the functional disturbance of nervous system with
the determination of psychoemotional constitutions. In other words, the
interpretation of the state of channels - the meridians (redundancy -
insufficiency in classical acupuncture diagnostics) from the position of
psychoemotional state.
2. Comparison of the possibilities of
evaluating the nervous system with the aid of the
manual'nogo muscular testing
with the composition of the psychoemotional
constitutions of health and disease and classical acupuncture diagnostics with
the determination of the psychoemotional constitutions of health and disease
(state of channels - the meridians: redundancy - insufficiency).
The material of experiment - 20 patients,
in whom against the background of reflector and reflector- compression painful
muscular syndromes
changed the psychoemotional state: appeared old
recollections, fears, offences, obtrusive phobias. Simultaneously a study was
conducted on 10 healthy subjects.
Methods of the study:
1. Neurologic study by the method of
manual'nogo muscular testing and by the methods of classical acupuncture
diagnostics with the determination of the state of channels - the meridians
(redundancy - insufficiency).
2. Visual diagnostics. Visual
primary attention was paid to the asymmetry of the reciprocal
location of the places of the fastening of muscles, which treated by us as the
sign of shortening or weakening of muscles.
With the comparison of the combination of psychological disturbances and
versions of non-optimal statics their interaction is found.
The neurologic study by the methods of classical acupuncture diagnostics with
the determination of the state of channels - the meridians (redundancy -
insufficiency), also showed the disturbance of somatical innervation that it
made it possible to compose the psychoemotional constitution of disease and
health of patients with the reflector and compression
painful muscular syndromes
, but without conducting of psychosomatic
correction, without aromoterapii, without the homeopathic means and without the
classical manual'noy therapy, which considerably increased a quantity of
sessions (10 -12 procedures, and conducting 2- X - the 3rd it was course
Recovery 70% - 80%.
1. The use of a constitutional approach to the determination of the tactics
of treatment is pathogenetically substantiated.
2. The presence of the reflector interrelations between the tone of skeletal
muscles and the predominance by psychosomatic constitution they make it possible
to use visual diagnostics of non-optimal statics as differential- diagnostic the
criterion of the predominance of the specific constitution.
3. The disturbance of activity at channel points can be manifestation not
only by disturbance from the side channel - meridian system, but also it can
reflect psychosomatic disturbances.
4. The complex action, directed on the correction is channel - meridian
system, polysystem unspecific syndromes taking into account the type of the
innate constitution it substantially influences the quality of treatment and it
makes it possible to treat not disease, but to restore the health of

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