- 1). Comb the Bichon's coat thoroughly to untangle any matted hair. This will make it easier for you to evenly trim the Bichon's fur. It will also help to prevent hair follicles from being twisted and pulled and thus becoming infected.
- 2). Trim around the dog's nose, ear and eyes using a pair of sharp hair-dressing scissors. Leave the hair approximately 1 inch long in this area.
- 3). Trim the dog with the electric clippers, starting around the genitals. Do this area first while the clipper blades are still cool. Do not use the electric trimmer on the tail.
- 4). Raise the dog up on its hind legs and trim the belly with the clippers. Work your way up to the second set of nipples. Move hair out of the way so that you can always see exactly where you are trimming.
- 5). Clip the hair on the rest of the body using regular hair-dressing scissors. Leave slightly more hair on the chest area. Try to cut the hair on the body to maintain a rounded, even appearance.
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