Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Three Tips for Smooth Golf Swing

Finding your natural rhythm and swinging smooth through the ball will allow you to hit or consistent shots on the golf course. It may take his time to practice some drills to learn your natural rhythms, however it will make a huge difference in your scores when you play golf this season. Below you will find three easy tips to help you smooth out your golf swing before the season starts.

1. Tension

One of the main reasons many golfers cannot swing the golf club smoothly is due to tension. Relaxing your arms and all the muscles in your body will allow you I natural rhythm much easier. Using was called a body scan will help you relax your muscles on and off the course. This is the first step towards a smooth golf swing that generates more power and accuracy every time we play golf.

A body scan is very easy to do. All you have to do is concentrate on each one of your muscle groups starting from the tip of your head and working all late to the bottom of your toes. As you begin, you want to concentrate on your shoulders. Take a deep breath as you concentrate on this area of your body. This will help to relax your shoulders. Continue through the entire body concentrate on every major muscle group along the way.

Of course, when you are on the golf course you won't have time to do an entire body scan. However, if you notice tension in your forearms, shoulders or any other part of your body, you can do a quick body scan for that one specific muscle. This will help you to relax any tense muscles and swing smoother.

2. Practice

My next tip for you includes your range time. This is important time and it is time for you to practice your smooth golf swing. The best way to do this is not to practice with a 100% swing. Instead, work on shorter shots at about 50 to 75% while you practice. This will help your body understand the tempo in the timing that comes along with a natural rhythm.

When you work on shorter shots, you don't tend over swing as much. One of the biggest issues most golfers have is over swing. As you work on the shorter shots, try to slow down your swing just a little bit and concentrate on just hitting a natural shot. Don't worry about how far you hit the ball just try to make good contact as you practice.

By taking shorter swings, you will train your body how to swing natural. This will help you when you get on the golf course and need to hit a shorter shot and it will also help slow down your full swing. To take it one step further, you can practice going from a shorter swing with a wedge to a control swing with your driver. By using this drill, you will be able to transform your swing into a smoother golf swing.

3. Contact

Often amateur golfers concentrate too much on the actual swing and not enough on the contact they make the golf ball. If you look at professional golfers swing, you will notice the one common denominator is the impact position. This is the part of the swing where you actually make contact with the golf ball. By concentrating on making good contact with the ball, you may be surprised at how well you actually hit it.

You'll find that by concentrating on making good solid contact you actually swing the club smoother. When you align this with your natural rhythm you will play better golf, hit more greens, find your ball in the fairway more often and enjoy the game more than ever before.

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