Recognizing our failures in life is very important in the learning process.
Once we are able to reflect in our own mistakes, we are also able to appreciate the success experienced by others.
We learn from our mistakes if we admit that we made it.
Self-denial and blaming others for our failures will not help us except if we admit them and be responsible for the consequences of our actions.
We can learn from our failures by not complaining.
Admission makes learning possible.
Brilliant people admit mistakes easily and then move forward to achieve goals.
Setbacks in life is unavoidable.
Even the richest and successful men on earth are not exempted to experience drawbacks in life.
What's missing in many people's beliefs about success is the fact that the more challenging the goal, the more frequent and difficult problems will be.
The higher our ambitions in life, the more reliant we are you on our ability to overcome and learn from our mistakes.
However, admitting mistakes is very difficult.
In fact, learning from our mistakes need us to put ourselves in situations where mistakes are inevitable, have the self-confidence to admit them and be courageous enough to face them and make changes.
In my case, I made mistakes that have complicated causes and outcomes.
Just like my decision to get married even if my parents did not approve my husband.
This tough decision had a bad outcome because my marriage failed.
But the good thing there was that I faced the challenge bravely.
I was able to overcome my depression, learnt from my mistakes and then moved on with life.
Then, I read inspirational books especially success stories.
I learned that before they reached their goal, they really experienced many setbacks and trials in life.
The bottom line was that they did not quit.
They made these problems as their motivation to succeed.
So, if they can do it, why can't I? Moreover, once we are able to recognize the problem, we can avoid doing similar mistakes.
But sometimes people are stupid.
They keep on doing the same without learning from them.
Making mistakes require significant changes to avoid doing again.
But since change is not easy to admit, we often suffer through the same mistakes again and again instead of making the crucial changes needed to avoid them.
As a matter of fact, the mistakes we make define us.
The more interesting and challenging the mistakes are, the more interesting life can be because we spent more time in learning from bigger mistakes.
But if we habitually make stupid mistakes, there is no learning at all.
Thus, refusing to acknowledge and accept our mistakes or tendencies to do the same kinds of mistakes is a refusal to acknowledge reality.
This is the fact of life that each of us has no excuse.
What we just need to do is admit that despite our imperfections, we still have a chance to make a change in our lives and make a difference.
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