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Torn between nation and religion; part- 3

A human being may have faith in his nation and also in his religion.A conflict between his nation and his religion tears him, as a person, and may internally spit him sometimes,

May a religion also split a nation? Is international religious fundamentalist support to cruelity humanly warranted ? Does such support infringe the sovereignty of a nation unless it is officially a one-religion state –for instance an Islamic republic?These are burning questions that have been emerging in real politic Bangladesh today

War crime trial process in Bangladesh= Another conflict between Nation & Religion?

Bangladesh was liberated from Pakistan in 1971, through a coup led by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman the Awami League leader and a staunch nationalist with active support from India. The freedom came to that country and Bangladesh was born after a war wherein ultimately the ‘occupying' Pakistani Army's commander had to sign a document of surrender. But before that the unborn (in womb) nation had to undergo, what is now termed by the current historians as the  greatest national tragedy, unleashed upon it by its erstwhile parent, the Pakistan - when later' army and their local representatives put to death hundreds of secular intellectuals, during a sustained program just before the liberation on December 16, 1971. That happened during  a nine-month period of a war unleashed by the Army on its own populace whereby over thirty five lacs of people were killed, over 3 Lac women were raped while over a crore of population representing over  5% of the total had to leave their home and hearth to take refuge in bordering countries ,mostly in India - and these included not only Hindus but also Muslims.

As that country now celebrates forty years of its independence, it also faces the task of completing a historic trial against the genocide – a move towards justice that could get initiated only in March 2010, under a law that was framed almost four decades ago. Even if the law was in place in 1971, the trial against the genocide, remained a mirage for decades. In a bloody coup in 1975 wherein in Sheikh Mujibur Rehman the Nationalist Awami League leader was assassinated. Khaleda Zia-led Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), came to hold the reins in a divisive politics, has delayed in bringing justice punish the cruelties- as it tacitly supports Jamaat-e-Islami- the communal Islamic outfit- that was supportive to Pakistan and against the Nation as such.

However when Sheikh Hasina came to power, this was on her agenda. And now in the \ last year of its tenure, the Hasina;s Awami Party government faces, street protests by opposition parties positioning themselves ahead of the elections and  organizing themselves against the trials that are in process against the inhuman cruelties . Jamaat-e-Islami, the fundamentalist party that had opposed Bangladesh's independence, supported by its militant students wing, Islami Chatra Shibir, is resorting to street violence .in a forceful bid to protect their key leaders, now facing trials in the war crime and impending punishments, The Jamaats  sided with Pakistan army by all means to foil the struggle for freedom = and are now against the elected Govt.- attacking the police, snatching weapons and indulging in arsons including putting on fire the police vehicles throughout the country.

Bangladesh has been currently also witnessing  violent protests by BNP and Jamaat for restoration of the caretaker government system while the Pro-government activists, such as the Awami League student wings are out to thwart the opposition protests- and in the process taking up to similar street violence. The situation emerging is that of beginning of a civil war.

The process of war crime trials under various tribunals set for the purpose has been a target of campaigns in the country as also in international arena.

A presiding judge stepped down recently after a controversy over some of his communications that had leaked and were published by pro-opposition wing of media. The resignation, just ahead of case judgments, came as a big shock to those people who wanted justice to be done, but at the same time opposition has celebrated it as a "victory" by the Jamaat and BNP.

Shafique Ahmed, the Law Minister of the country on the other hand revealed that the government has evidence to show that Jamaat has appointed lobbying firms in America and England and Mir Kashem Ali, a Jamaat, one of the leaders, now facing trial, the man behind  growing Islamic Bank  and also the owner of Jamaat's media house-- had paid a sum of Taka  150 crores to Casadian Associates, an American Lobbying firm..

The current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, understanding the gravity of the situation has still shown determination to continue with the trials to fulfill a national obligation.–despite the religious and fundamentalist moves, to malign her government, while attempting to save their own leaders from the punishment that are looming large. It is another matter that Bangladeshi Government has been restricting the process of war crime trials to its own nationals only.

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