If you are trying to recover erased or deleted files it is important not to download any more data, that includes opening more websites.
Every time your computer opens a web page it could be writing over your lost or deleted file.
We will show you how to recover your deleted or lost files the safest way.
Your deleted file is most likely retrievable if you are very careful.
To retrieve your files in minutes follow the procedure below to ensure the best possible outcome.
1) Stop any program that's downloading, defragmentation or formatting.
2) Check if you have more than one Hard Drive or Partition and what Partition your deleted file was on.
3) If you don't know or not sure go to step 5.
4) If you have Multiple Partitions and know which Partition your deleted file was on then install a Recovery Software program on any of the other partitions.
5) If you not sure or want the safest option, download recovery software directly to a USB thumb-drive, any thumb drive over 10 MEG will do the trick.
when you are about to download software from the software providers site you want to right click on the download link and "save link as" option to select the USB or a safe drive to save the file to.
6) Install the recovery software on to the thumb-drive and run the program from it.
7) Find your file then Restore your deleted files.
if you have multiple files to restore and your external or USB has enough available space restore them to that device.
Using this method you reduce writing over deleted files and avoid losing them for ever.
The program we use by this method is available at our site.
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