Business & Finance Personal Finance

Can Married Couples Who Are Both Disabled Draw Full Social Security Benefits?


    • To qualify for SSDI, you have to meet Social Security's definition of disabled, which is being completely unable to work, and that your disabling condition will last more than one year or end in death. If you're married, for both of you to qualify for benefits, you both need to meet Social Security's definition of disabled and you both need to have worked the minimum amount required to qualify for Social Security, which varies according to age at disability. Your SSDI benefit amount is determined separately according to how much each of you has paid into Social Security during your working life.


    • SSI is a monthly benefit paid out based on being disabled, blind or age 65 or older and having a low income and limited assets. To qualify as a couple, your joint income has to be under $1,011 per month and your joint assets have to be under $3,000. Only one of the two of you has to meet Social Security's definition of disability. It's possible to qualify for both SSDI and SSI.

    Social Security Retirement

    • If you're on SSDI when you reach your full retirement age (age 66 or 67, depending on your year of birth), your benefit amount will stay the same, but will convert to your retirement benefit. If you're disabled at or after your retirement age, you should file for retirement rather than disability. If you're on SSI, you may qualify for full retirement if you've worked 10 years or more paying into Social Security.

    Applying for Benefits

    • To apply for any Social Security program, contact Social Security by phone or at your local office. If you're applying for a disability-based program, make sure you have your medical information with you, including any doctors you've seen, any prescriptions you're taking and any hospitals or other clinics you've been to. If you're applying for SSDI, it can take three to five months for a decision to be made. If you're approved, your benefits will start once you fulfill the five-month waiting period from the date of your disability.

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