Is your lawn looking sick? It could be because you have an infestation of the larvae of the Japanese beetle.
You can control White grubs with chemicals, but is that really the way you want to go? Lately, everyone is going greener and is a self-proclaimed environmentalist.
But are we really? While it is possible to control weeds and grubs and the like that are damaging the lawn with chemicals, it's not always the best solution.
It is not necessary to actually hire a professional pest control operator, as there are several domestic products that could help with your problem.
What is necessary, however, is to know what kind of a problem you really have.
If white grubs are the problem, you need to determine the amount of grubs that lay beneath the sod within a square foot.
With these grubs, the threshold level is five; anything more than that is an infestation.
If you're going to use a chemical pesticide, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Their recommendations are key to a successful outcome.
One obstacle with chemical pesticides are bylaws within the city, town or even state that you live in.
Some areas completely prohibit any type of pesticides, leaving homeowners distraught, with problems that they do not know how to deal with.
Fortunately, there are greener ways to deal with these problems.
One misconception many people have is that organic products do not work as well as chemical products.
Such is not the case with white grubs.
There exists a product called milky spore, which is completely natural and harmless to the environment, and to pets and children.
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