- 1). Fill a pot with plain tap water and place it on top of a stove burner. Turn the burner to high and wait for the water to reach a full rolling boil.
- 2). Remove the pot from the stove and turn off the burner. Go to the area of the floor containing the astro turf glue. Pour 1 to 2 cups of boiling water directly on top of the glue spots.
- 3). Place the flat end of a putty knife under the edge of the glue and press forward on the putty knife to slide it under the glue. Repeat the process until the majority of the glue is removed from the floor.
- 4). Apply a glue solvent solution to any remaining spots of glue and allow the solvent to sit for five to 10 minutes.
- 5). Scrape the remaining traces of glue off of the floor with the putty knife.
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