Cars & Vehicles SUVs & 4-Wheel Drive

How To Enjoy Football Tailgate Parties In the Heat

It?s August and that means two things...
One, it?s the kick-off of football season. Sure, these are pre-season and non-conference games, but it?s been a long time since the Super Bowl and tailgaters are ready to dust off their gear and head to the parking lot.

The second is that it will be hot. Outside some stadiums it will be very hot. After all, the Arizona Cardinals play in a desert; the average August temperature in the Phoenix area is 102-degrees.

That?s really hot. I don?t care if it is a dry heat (more on that in a bit).

But even for games in places like Auburn and Virginia Tech, fans will be tailgating in 90-degree weather, and there?s humidity there to make it feel even hotter.

So, what do you do? Wear shorts and a T-shirt? That?s not enough, especially at a tailgate where you?re outside for hours and most likely enjoying an alcoholic beverage or two.

A quick science lesson: people suffer heat-related illnesses when the body?s temperature control system gets overloaded. Normally, your body will cool itself by sweating. But sometimes sweating isn?t enough. When the humidity is high sweat doesn?t evaporate as quickly which prevents the body from releasing heat. When you add other conditions like advanced age, obesity, sunburn and alcohol the problem just gets worse. The result can be heat stroke or other ailments which can damage the brain and other organs.

But following some simple rules can help you keep your cool.
  1. Drink a lot of fluids. In fact, drink more than your thirst tells you to. And we?re talking water here. Beer and alcohol just make matters worse. In desert areas it is especially important to remember to keep drinking fluids since you won?t sweat like you usually do (part of that whole ?it?s a dry heat? thing).

  1. Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose fitting clothing.
  2. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to provide shade and keep your head cool.
  3. Wear sunscreen. You should be doing this anyway, but it?s especially important in very hot, sunny conditions. Be sure to use at least SPF 15 and apply it 30 minutes before you walk out of the house. Read the directions on the sunscreen to know how often to reapply it.
  4. Avoid eating heavy meals. They add heat to your body. Instead eat light foods and eat smaller portions more often. Watch the weather forecast and plan the menu accordingly. (You?ll find tailgating recipes at
  5. Stay in the shade as often as you can. A tent over your tailgate is a great help. If you don?t have a tent use an umbrella or spend some time in the car with the air on, if it doesn?t create exhaust problems for other tailgaters.

If anyone at your tailgate party exhibits signs of heavy sweating, paleness, weakness, vomiting, dizziness or fainting get them to a cool area immediately, give them cool water and call for medical help.

But if you follow these tips that shouldn?t happen and you can enjoy the annual rebirth of football and the parking lot party.
Football Tailgating Tips It?s August and that means two things...
One, it?s the kick-off of football season. Sure, these are pre-season and non-conference games, but it?s been a long time since the Super Bowl and tailgaters are ready to dust off their gear and head to the parking lot.

The second is that it will be hot. Outside some stadiums it will be very hot. After all, the Arizona Cardinals play in a desert; the average August temperature in the Phoenix area is 102-degrees. That?s really hot. I don?t care if it is a dry heat (more on that in a bit).

But even for games in places like Auburn and Virginia Tech, fans will be tailgating in 90-degree weather, and there?s humidity there to make it feel even hotter.

So, what do you do? Wear shorts and a T-shirt? That?s not enough, especially at a tailgate where you?re outside for hours and most likely enjoying an alcoholic beverage or two.

A quick science lesson: people suffer heat-related illnesses when the body?s temperature control system gets overloaded. Normally, your body will cool itself by sweating. But sometimes sweating isn?t enough. When the humidity is high sweat doesn?t evaporate as quickly which prevents the body from releasing heat. When you add other conditions like advanced age, obesity, sunburn and alcohol the problem just gets worse. The result can be heat stroke or other ailments which can damage the brain and other organs.

But following some simple rules can help you keep your cool.
  1. Drink a lot of fluids. In fact, drink more than your thirst tells you to. And we?re talking water here. Beer and alcohol just make matters worse. In desert areas it is especially important to remember to keep drinking fluids since you won?t sweat like you usually do (part of that whole ?it?s a dry heat? thing).
  2. Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose fitting clothing.
  3. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to provide shade and keep your head cool.
  4. Wear sunscreen. You should be doing this anyway, but it?s especially important in very hot, sunny conditions. Be sure to use at least SPF 15 and apply it 30 minutes before you walk out of the house. Read the directions on the sunscreen to know how often to reapply it.
  5. Avoid eating heavy meals. They add heat to your body. Instead eat light foods and eat smaller portions more often. Watch the weather forecast and plan the menu accordingly. (You?ll find tailgating recipes at
  6. Stay in the shade as often as you can. A tent over your tailgate is a great help. If you don?t have a tent use an umbrella or spend some time in the car with the air on, if it doesn?t create exhaust problems for other tailgaters.

If anyone at your tailgate party exhibits signs of heavy sweating, paleness, weakness, vomiting, dizziness or fainting get them to a cool area immediately, give them cool water and call for medical help.

But if you follow these tips that shouldn?t happen and you can enjoy the annual rebirth of football and the parking lot party.

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