Health & Medical Women's Health

Top 4 Tips to Cure Candida Albicans Naturally

Candida Albicans, is the a celled organism that given the opportunity will cause havoc in your body! If the right environment exists this little, otherwise benign organism will morph into a mould and overwhelm the natural bacteria that is also present on the skin, in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and genital areas.
So how can you cure Candida Albicans naturally? Here are the top 4 tips to avoid the 'overgrowth' of the organism and therefore avoiding a yeast infection.
Diet - as the candida is a yeast or fungus it is advisable to avoid any foods that naturally contain yeast.
These include mushrooms, vinegar and tinned vegetables.
Replace refined sugar with an alternative sweetener, plant extract sweeteners are widely available from health food shops.
It is also advisable to refrain from eating white flour and rice, instead change to brown.
Dairy products should be avoided due to the amount of antibiotics that are used in their production.
Change from cows milk to goats, it takes a little getting used to but you will feel the benefit.
Antibiotics - if at all possible try to avoid using antibiotics.
Due to the 'broad spectrum' antibiotics that most doctors will prescribe these kill not only the bacteria that is causing an infection such as a chest infection but will also kill the 'good bacteria' that is naturally present on the body and which does an essential job of keeping the Candida Albicans in check.
If this natural defence is weakened it will allow the yeast organism to overgrow and mutate into the fungi that causes a yeast or thrush infection.
If you are prescribed an antibiotic ensure you build up the natural defences by replacing the depleted natural bacteria.
The immune system works in conjunction with the natural 'good bacteria' already mentioned.
It is vital you keep your immune system in tip top condition.
To do this you need to be aware of lifestyle choices in order not to compromise this important defence.
Therefore, stop smoking, ensure your sleep is sufficient and restful, diet and alcohol will also of course have a major impact on your immune system, plus avoid stress.
Natural PH level in the body - the chemical balance of your blood and maintaining it at optimum levels is essential.
It is essential to maintain the correct acid-alkaline balance.
The PH level in the blood is measured on a scale from 0-14.
The body functions best with a PH between 7.
If it becomes more acidic this will allow the candida to 'overgrow' and mutate into a fungal infection.
The best defence against a Candida Albicans becoming an infection is to eat a diet which is based on foods that form an alkaline environment.
For example, foods rich in calcium, cesium, magnesium sodium, potassium.
These could include green juices, almonds and most fresh vegetables.
In order to cure Candida Albicans naturally it is as we can see it is a combination of a number of issues.
If you are aware of what the candida is, how it can grow out of control and how to prevent it by being aware of your lifestyle choices, ensuring your immune system is in optimum condition, your diet is free of foods that will provide a nutrition for the organism to utilise and overwhelm your system, you can cure it! If you follow a few very simple rules you can avoid it becoming a chronic and potentially long term health risk.

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