Bad breath solutions run the gamut, and you can consult your lifestyle, medical, health, or dental professional for the latest. Why you want to resolve your bad breath issues run the gamut as well, and they range from being purely vain and aesthetic, to the truly detrimental and utterly serious.
Let's deal with the practical and sensible consequences to bad breath first. First and foremost, bad breath is just distracting. At work, this can be detrimental. Especially if you are a broker of some sort, whether in real estate or a financial wheeler dealer, you absolutely cannot infuse anymore distraction to the situation. Bad breath can ruin a deal, break off an engagement and exterminate weeks, months, and years worth of work, all because of a social blunder.
No, you definitely do not want bad breath, not in social situations, but also because bad breath can be a leading indicator to an underlying health issue that is far, far greater than ever imagined: an immune deficiency issue. If you want to be certain that this is not the case, ask yourself the following questions:
* Do you brush after every meal?
* Do you know what half brushings are?
* Do you take a travel toothbrush to work, or keep a half brushing dental set at work or school?
* Do you know how far you can take the antiseptic wash? How do you know when you have gone too far?
* Do you floss? Do you know why you absolutely cannot reuse dental floss or plastic fork flossing devices?
* Do you know why you have to do a full brushing in the morning, even though you haven't eaten a thing since the last full brushing just before you went to bed?
If you are not sure about at least one of these, then it is highly recommended that you compare and contrast your brushing and overall dental hygiene regiment against what is recommended and prescribed by the dental associations and academies of the international public health and medical communities.
The one thing that must be stressed here is that you need to do a full brushing when you wake up, even though you haven't eaten anything since the last full brushing, because bacteria had been left in your mouth, unabated and undisturbed, to grow, exponentially, every which way to a point that if left alone for 3 more days, could result in serious dental infections, starting with abscesses in and of the gums: you do not want it to get to this point. Put in the full brushings in the morning, because bacterial buildup is cumulative, and it is important to realize that the bacterial buildup will always be a part of your life. You can never completely eliminate bacteria from your mouth, nor do you want to.
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