Stretch marks are one of the most serious health conditions that affect both males and females but due to lack of information, they still do not know how to cure or to prevent them.
According to the health researchers, they occur on one's skin when it is stretched abruptly.
The mostly known causes of them include gaining of height, increase in weight, weight loss, pregnancy and puberty at times.
When one of these things happens to your body, the useful substance known as collagen, the main protein is completely destroyed and this will force the inner layer of your skin to tear.
When the skin is forced to tear, it will try to produce more collagen in order to assist it in healing and this in turn leads to the formation of stretch marks.
Many people suffer from this condition but they have never realized that there are special remedies that can be used in order to prevent them.
If you have never suffered from such a condition, it is better to practice the recommended methods in order prevent them instead of treating them after they have occurred.
This is because they can make your skin ugly and above all, treating them can be very expensive and at times they may be ineffective.
Some of the important things that can help you in preventing stretch marks include, taking in a balanced diet.
A balanced diet is the main thing that can help you build and maintain your body weight as it is required.
Ensure that what you take into your body does not encourage sudden and excess weight gain as these are one of the things that causes stretch marks.
Another important way to prevent them is by taking a lot of water.
Generally, hydration is one of the main things that guards a human being's overall health and is the main thing that enables you to have a healthy skin.
In order to avoid them, your skin should be elastic and this can only be facilitated by the use of water.
When your body is dehydrated, your skin will appear dry, become delicate and lined as well.
These are some of the conditions that encourage their occurrence.
You should also take lots of vitamins because they are so essential to your body.
Vitamins will enable you to have a very attractive and smooth skin both inwards and outwards.
It is true that vitamins are essential but you should only take a little that can help you developing your skin such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A among others.
Another important measure to be taken in order to avoid stretch marks is by massaging the body parts that are prone to stretch marks.
You can also prevent this condition by moisturizing your skin regularly.
This can be done by applying the stretch mark creams or any other moisturizing oils on a daily basis.
These creams include cocoa butter, Vaseline or olive oil among others.