That time of the end will be when the planets have already been conquered and have ownership.
The envied Metropolis of Zion will be the center of culture, economy, judiciary and military of the universe.
Many isolated wars would had been made against warrior nations and the world context will be orderly framed according to the world powers that had a satellite planet in space.
General elections at the Zion will give a new Director (President) a triumph.
According to his rhetoric, science shall be the only cure and therefore that will be conceived as the tree of live.
All of this will be carried out so that the new evil order will try to perpetuate itself through the computerize book of life.
There shall be endless impostors with real miracles and the trickery towards the believers will be a day-to-day job in order to obtain their properties.
It will be said that this or the other are the real advocate.
In order to finish the real Christians the new Director shall give the order for Christian persecution through his predecessor.
The 'elder teachers of the law' will lead the Christians and their leader will be called Great Rock or alike, they will construct space ships to elude attacks and survive so they can see the coming of the Lamb.
The extermination shall grow and grow far beyond the massacres of Bethlehem infants as signs before the end.
The new Director will be declared by decree as the second Christ, as the arrived Advocate.
The elder teachers of the law will turned to be an obstruction due to the fact that they opposed that and the end shall start.
The examine of the scriptures will be made to determine whether they were fulfilled with what occurs and the so called prophet will be compared with the prophesies.
Great Rock will promulgate openly the prophesy of the end of the world as a last call to understand the same.
The advent will burst in as a thief in the night with the end and a little after initiating with a vision according to the prophecies that will hold on the faithful.
As the quantities of planets of the solar universe, the conformation of world power shall be established; those powers shall share the planets so that they can share the same life and reign.
There shall be a joint agreement within the powerful and all nations outside of that bloc who shall give no importance to the general agreement of those powerful planetary-land owners; their leaders shall be removed little by little.
All nations shall have to insert within that constitutional bases or within those government policies with defined concept in the universally-democratic term; or if that term isn't idiosyncratic within the said nation the leader shall simply be replaced with another leader that agree with the oligarchy within the so called peaceful accord of living together.
The irony of such established order will be that three world blocs within themselves that controlled and possessed once the majority of planets will concede such dominion to their ex colonies that one time served as economic base for exploitation in the globalize era, shall then serve to always maintain an democratic appearance in the power distribution of the universalized globalization.
The pressure that the island nations will give will caused a major openness to widen the reigning power cupola.
That is why the triangle dialectic ruling power will have to reach for pragmatic flexibleness and shall place its ex-colonies at par in power and therefore be able to prevent what everybody prognosticate as the end of the world on such terms.
The so called ex-colonies will serve as annex in between the triangle that shall consist of the three blocs that governed great part of the Globalization era and the Island nations.
Nations shall threaten to end the mainland world if it is not conceded to break the monopoly of the planets.
Even though there shall be serious catastrophic confrontations in order to show that the threat is real the purpose of pushing reality to a new conformation shall give the materialistic sensation of openness towards a better world universal destiny.
The signs of the End shall be according to (Mathew 24.
3-28; Mark 13.
3-24; Luke 21.
7-24) and The End shall be as Mt.
29-35, 42-44; Mr.
24-37; Luke.
25-33, 17.
26-30, 34-36; 2Peter 3.
10-18; Dan 4.
Revelations 12.
6-14 claims that three times and a half are 1,260 days or 1,260 years, the double of this for the second coming is 2,520 years.
This squares up that Christ will come in the year 2,520! Those will be the times of the last repentance; it shall be years since humanity enters the third millennium, anytime that time the end shall come...
A little after shall be when only the person that passes the test of a programmed spiritual faith detector shall enter the doors that shall have a sign that says, "come".
The program will be based on what Saint Paul exposed in his epistle to the Galatians on chapter five.
All of this was mixed with some sort of monk-like behaviorism.
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