- 1). After the cut scene starting the mission, stay still and aim your sights through the room to your left. Quickly take out the two tangos in the room with headshots. Don't worry about the bogey coming out of the bathroom; your squad will drop him.
- 2). Switch to your pistol and move through the left room. Throw a flashbang when halfway through and look away. Sprint to the chairs in front of you and take cover.
- 3). Use the chairs in the room as cover and move carefully forward, remembering to take out all bogeys as you go. Remember, your bullets can go through the chairs.
- 4). As you come near the end of the room, throw a flashbang down the plane and go prone near the wooden partition. If there is a bogey there, take him out. The plane will blow its side and many of the tangos ahead will be sucked out.
- 5). Get up and sprint up the right hand of the stairs, taking care to take out any bogeys that may be left.
- 6). Stand on the flight of stairs to the left and throw a flashbang over the partition, then immediately take the opposite stairs and take out the three bogeys in the room.
- 7). The flashbang you threw will now wear off so take cover and fire through the partition in front of you to take out attacking bogeys.
- 8). Move down the left hand side and through the partition, taking out the bogeys running away.
- 9). Throw a flashbang down the coming corridor, but use the angled wall so as not to attract fire. Sprint down the corridor past the tangos.
- 10
At the end of the corridor, there are two tangos. Quickly take them both out as you must be faster than them because they have shotguns. - 11
Head right and there is another tango with a shotgun. Drop him quickly as well and sprint to the white doors where the hostage comes out. - 12
Time will slow down for you to take out the bogey holding the hostage but make it count. You must get a head shot to kill him.
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