Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Make Musical Instruments With Household Items

    • 1). Create a set of cymbals. Take two tinfoil pie plates and poke two small holes across from each other on the raised edges of each pie plate. Then tie a piece of yarn or string taunt through the holes to create handles. Show the child how she can bang the two tins together to make a smashing noise.

    • 2). Make a paper plate shaker. Take one paper plate and lay it right side up on the table. Pour a handful of beads into the paper plate and then place another paper plate upside down on top of it. Staple the two plates together around the edges and show the child how he can shake it back and forth to make music with the shaker.

    • 3). Create a set of drums with some old canisters. Empty coffee cans or any other empty canister with a lid will work as a drum. The child can use either her hands or a set of spoons to bang out a beat on the lid of her drum. You can even show the kids how they can get different noises by hitting the top and the sides of the canister.

    • 4). Give your child a set of chopsticks. A simple set of chopsticks can automatically be used as a set of rhythm sticks without having to make any modifications. Have the young child hit the sticks together to make a beat.

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