She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along.
~ Margaret Culkin Banning Mothers Day is a celebration of womanhood.
The 21st century woman is confident, independent and caring.
She knows her worth and does not wait for a man to give recognition to her identity.
She is sure about her strides and knows where she is headed.
Many of them have made choices that were unthinkable even a decade back.
These choices speak of her courage, resilience and will power.
They have catapulted themselves to the summit of the fields they have plunged into.
Even when they have gifted new life to their families, they have not let their careers take a back seat, nor have they lost sight of the focus.
I'm sure you have seen them.
Rushing on the road to catch a bus or cab with a child, sometimes even a toddler in tow, they are working mothers.
They have made a conscious choice not to let their child come in the path of their career.
It is not a logical conclusion that they are single; many of them are married with their partners earning enough to put bread on the table.
Still they have decided to stay put on the path they have chosen.
Economic independence is an integral part of modern life and they do not need to be told that.
Single mothers, of course, have no choice but to go out and work.
This does not mean that they do it grudgingly; they are very happy in their lives and would not give up this for anything.
Life for a working mother is tough, if not totally impossible.
She has to strike a very fine balance, the scales of which make sense only to her.
You or I cannot find possible explanations as to how she manages to straddle equally demanding paths.
Her child is her priority but she doesn't ignore the client meeting to spend time with her child.
She will do it nevertheless but she will also make a provision to come prepared for the client meeting.
Her time-management skills can make a CEO make a desperate dash for his or her watch.
There are times when she has to handle critical issues which are high on the emotion quotient.
Her child may find it hard sometimes to come to terms with the double life his or her mom is leading.
The child may not be getting her attention when he or she needs the most.
This may result in bouts of depression and a feeling of resentment against the mother.
Then it is up to the mother how she handles it.
It will require time, care, even cajole and lots of time.
That is the ultimate test of a mother on the home-front.
In office, she may have to do a lot of hard work to prove herself and her seriousness about her work.
Society holds a prejudice against her because she is a mother.
She may also have to refuse promotions and offers which will ask her to cut slices of her time off her personal life.
Other than these, a mention should be made of the numerous bills that she has to go around paying, groceries, shopping and the works.
So to all those women who are working mothers, my salute to you.
All those who are on track to this road, my salute to you too, for having made this choice.
For nothing is more rewarding when you child smiles and opens the door for you after a hard day's work.
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