Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Stop A Break UpEssential Keys To Help Stop Your Break Up

Are youre worried something may be wrong and you really want to stop a break up? Perhaps youre starting to see some changes that are making you worry or something reminds you of the last love break up you had. Either way, here are a few suggestions that can not only help you stop a break up, but make your relationship together more loving and lasting.

Attitude and Perception How you perceive your relationship will determine which way its heading. If youre constantly looking at ways it may break apart, then that is exactly what will happen. However, if you can see the love, the kind gestures, the perfection that is true love your perception and attitude changes to one of delight and excitement. You look forward to seeing your partner, you find yourself doing the little things that will make him/her smile. Even if they dont respond the way you expected, thats ok too because you love them just as they are. And guess what? That love comes back to you multi-fold from all different directions not just from your partner.

Winning or Happiness How many times have we needed to be right about something anything! Some couples fight over the happenings of a TV show, others just fight to see whos right, finally theres that one person in a relationship that must be right all the time! The key to stop a break up is deciding whats important the relationship or being right. This doesnt mean one must be a doormat. If there is something important that could affect the person or the relationship in some way, then stand your ground, but using different angles to let your partner see things from your perspective or just step back for a bit and come back to it later, if needed. But for most things couples argue over, a simple acknowledgement of your partners feelings may be just enough to diffuse any further heated discussions and just may allow happiness to flow through. Do this enough and you will find you and your partner actually spend less time arguing and more time appreciating each other.

Competition or Cooperation Even though we are all equal, we may not always have equal experiences. If you find one partner having more success, more attention, more money than the other, try to share each others happiness. Youre in this together as a team of two. If your partner is successful, support them and let them know how proud you are of them and their success. If you are the one most successful, find a way to let them in share your successes as relationship success. Acknowledge how much you appreciate them and their support. Who knows what may or may not have happened if they were not a part of your life? Good relationships allow us to have confidence to move forward in the world because you know someone you love loves and supports you too.

Seek Harmony A successful relationship is when two individual people come together as one unit. But try not to forget you are still an individual with your own needs and desires and life. If you really want to avoid a relationship breakup, seek harmony and balance in all aspects of your life. If you have problems at work, try to work it out. Avoid bringing your work issues home unless its to share your day with your partner. If theres trouble at home, avoid staying longer at work. Go home and face the problems together. All relationships must grow or break apart. This growth comes from working problems out together and giving each other the support you both need to be stronger as individuals and as a couple.

Be Complete The biggest complaint most people have about their partners is their partners dont make them happy. Think about how much control AND pressure youre placing on the person you say you love so much! Being complete as an individual is probably the most important keys to stop a break up and only you have complete control. If you can truly believe in yourself and your capabilities, you will find that you hold the key to your own happiness. Sure, they will let you down from time to time, but you have complete control over how you react to the situation. If your partner promised to do something and forgets, its natural to be annoyed or even upset. But how will you deal with it? Will you allow that one experience strip you from your happiness or will you try to talk it out, with the attitude of completely loving that person no matter what, and grow from that experience thus creating more happiness in the relationship and yourself. If you really want to stop a break up, remember the choice is always yours.

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