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Belt System Of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Anyone who has ever got trained or ever tried famous martial art that isBrazilian Jiu Jitsu must have known about the belts provided to outline different levels. In fact this belt system is the most important and inevitable facet of martial art. If you have never tried hand in martial art but thinking of doing so in upcoming time then you must be familiar with it. Here we will about the very popular belt system of martial art.

Actually these belts are classified as per the different age group people. Children till the age of 16 will be given different belts from that of adults. After they cross 16 they are started to consider as grown up kids so they are provided different belt. This differentiation in belt system in done by choosing different colors. White belt is usually given to newbies or to those who have just started their training in it. This age group may involve children from 0 to 16 years of age. After that grey belts are used for different age group. Further belts will be given not only on the basis of age but also on the basis of performance in this art.

After the age of 16, blue belts are given to grownups. Well some other belts are also there after this age but it is on the basis of performance. Obtaining these belts is not a daunting task if you are completely dedicated towards martial arts. In fact some people obtain a lot of belts in their first age group itself. The most reputed and highest belt given for martial art practitioners is pink belt which is given especially to experts. After getting pink belt you are perfectly ready to stand in front of your opponent is fighting ground. You might have heard people saying that he or she is black belt in martial art. It is also a kind of belt that is given. It is given after brown belt. However receiving all these belts such as pink and black belt will require you to practice continuously for 10 to 12 years.

K2 Fight Gear will help you to receive such belts by providing you most defensive and most comfortable Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi. Thus you can obtain your belts in a very less time period.

K2 Fight Gear sells the best quality and comfortable BJJ Gi kimonos around. You can explore their collection at mentioned site.

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