- 1). Place the mat into the picture frame where you plan to use it. If it fits in the frame, you do not need to trim the outside. If it does not fit into the frame, measure the frame, both width and height.
- 2). Measure the width and height of the mat to determine how much of the perimeter of the mat needs to be cut away in each direction in order for the mat to fit in the frame. Then, divide the amount that needs cut from the frame by two to get the amount to remove from each side. For instance, if you need to remove 1/2-inch from the both the length and width of the mat, you should remove 1/4-inch from each side.
- 3). Begin on one side at the corner of the mat and measure in the amount you determined you need to trim from the edge of the mat, such as 1/4-inch. Then, measure the same measurement in from the edge at the other end of the same side. Lay a ruler between the two marks and draw a straight line along the mat. Repeat this process on the opposite side, and then again for the two remaining sides of the mat.
- 4). Cut away the excess mat with a utility knife. Then, test the mat in the frame again to make sure you have trimmed the mat small enough to fit the frame.
- 5). Measure the length and width of the photograph that you want to use with the matting. Then, subtract either 1/4-inch or 1/2-inch from both the length and width, depending on whether you want a 1/8-inch border around the photo or a 1/4-inch border around the photo, respectively. If the subject of your photo goes all the way to the edges, you may want only a 1/8-inch border all around, but if the subject is in the center of the photo, with plenty of surrounding background, a 1/4-inch border may work better.
- 6). Transfer the measurements of your photo onto the back of the matting. If you have a 5-by-7 photo that you want to use in an 8-by-10 mat with a 1/4-inch border around the photo, for instance, you need to create a 4 1/2-inch by 6 1/2-inch opening in the center of the mat. To do this, you must measure in 1 3/4 inches around the entire perimeter of the mat. Like when measuring the exterior edges, measure in at both ends of each side and then draw a line between the marks.
- 7). Cut out the rectangle created in the middle of the mat once you have made your lines with a utility knife. Keep the cuts even along the lines, and you end up with an opening that leaves the proper amount of border all around your photo.
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