Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Alternative Cancer Treatments (Natural Remedies) - Should They Be Considered?

The difference between conventional modern-day treatments and alternative treatments is that, (a) modern-day treatments are "proven" to be safe (scientifically proven within the boundaries of science's understanding of what safe is), and (b) alternative treatments are only "assumed" to be safe as they usually have no factual scientific evidence to back-up their claims (claims usually rely on demonstrated evidence over time [not scientific] hear-say, and myths).
Such alternative methods may include: homeopathy [created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann), Essiac supplements (a blend of herbs believed to contain burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, slippery elm bark, watercress, blessed thistle, red clover, and kelp [touted between the 1920s through to the 1970s by a Canadian nurse), other herbs, seeds, and fruits, etc.
that have been in use for thousands of years to treat illnesses, and more recently to treat cancer.
Even the multi-universal "bicarbonate of soda" (baking soda) which is also quite adept at cleaning the toilet amongst many other useful things has been touted as a cancer cure.
All these alternative treatments seem to have their theories behind them as to why they are used and for what they may be used for, and with many actually having demonstrated a certain amount of ability to cure over the years (backed-up by credible witnesses [usually cured patients]).
Are alternative natural remedies considered safe to use to treat cancer? Whether alternative treatments for cancer are actually safe to use or not, would really depend on several different factors.
For example: (a) Who is actually recommending them? (eg.
only a Homeopath should recommend homeopathic treatments), (b) What past history do such treatments have? (it may well be that a certain clinic has a history of cured patients), and (c) Is there any evidence to demonstrate that a certain alternative treatment is actually harmful? (if not, does not mean that it is safe either), etc.
It is fact (although not scientific fact [fact based on cured patient history]), that many alternative cancer treatments do actually either cure, or at least go in someway to help cure different cancers.
However, contrary to popular belief that all alternative treatments are harmless; some may actually offer certain side-effects when not used in the correct manner (most however do tend to offer zero side-effects and offer certain positive results when used correctly).
Who should consider using alternative natural remedies to treat cancer? Alternative cancer treatments may be used in two different ways, (a) as stand-alone treatments, or (b) as compliments to more conventional treatments.
With the latter becoming more and more common (natural remedies are being used alongside modern-day medicines even more these days).
However, there are certain important factors that should be first considered before using any alternative treatment.
Has the "X" modern-day medicine been successful in the treatment of a particular type of cancer (specific to the sufferers cancer)? 2.
Does the "X" modern-day medicine offer too many nasty side-effects? 3.
Is the "X" alternative medicine really a viable alternative? 4.
Has all else failed and there is now little left to lose? 5.
Some people may simply not believe in the use of modern-day medicines.
Conclusion - Although it may be difficult to understand (if there is an understanding) as to how alternative medicines actually work, their use does seem to be becoming increasingly more popular.
This may well be due to the fact that not all modern-day medicines have come-up to the expectations of many of its users.
While in comparison, alternative treatments have begun to show a significantly positive attitude to doing what is best for the patient (if only in a more delicate way).
Considering alternative treatments to help cure cancer is very much a personal decision, and something that should not be taken lightly.
Any decision should include close consultation with relevant parties close to the treatment team of the patient.
However, the last word, and final decision should be taken by the patient.

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