Ever wonder what's happening on your home computer on a regular basis? Well there's a software called keylogger that will do just that.
The software actually monitors whats happening on your computer and records everything that is done throughout the day.
A couple good features that keylogger software can provide involve searching the web.
The software can monitor each and every website that anyone goes to and can actually take screenshots of these websites, and give you a nice report log.
A screen shot is simply a picture of the screen in a given time.
A second, and very useful aspect of keylogger software is that it has the ability to track all downloads and up loads from anywhere and anytime.
It can track and record everything going onto your hard drive so you are always aware.
The third, and my favorite reason why this software is great, is password recovery.
You can lose password after password and your keylogger software will back it up for you.
Why remember 37 passwords when you can remember one? The internet now of days is filled with dangerous predators waiting to ruin your computer.
With a software like keylogger you can always track back to where the problem started, and try and solve it.
All computers should be equipped with keylogger software now of days.
Whether it be the home computer, your office computer, or simply your laptop that you carry with you.
Why risk something when you can prevent it from the get go.
College kids especially.
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