Family & Relationships

Prepare the Relationship for Parenthood

Once a baby comes, let's face it, your whole life is going to change and it will become whatever you want or allow it to become. Many people express that their relationship changes after the baby arrives and they become less happy as a couple. Now since you are pregnant it is a good time to start focusing extra attention on the relationship and take the opportunity to prepare it for parenthood.

Special Time
Once the baby comes all the attention will be directed towards the baby which can decrease the bond between the parents. One of the best things you can do for each other is to make special time each day and week that is completely dedicated towards each other and keeping the relationship strong. Make an effort to talk with each other daily, not about the baby, but about each other. Try to work in some special alone time such as a date night each week which will guarantee that special time. Start doing it now during pregnancy so the habit is already there when the newborn arrives.

Talk Talk Talk
Communication is the best thing that can keep a relationship going for the long haul. However when a new baby arrives most of the conversation is about the baby. Yes it is great to talk about the baby but there also needs to be separate conversations about each other. It is vital to keep each other informed about worries and concerns as well as goals in life. Supporting each other and communicating about these things on a regular basis can strengthen your relationship for when the baby arrives.

Be Understanding
Being a parent is challenging and it does not end even when the child grows into an adult. Neither parent will be perfect along the road and there will be mishaps, difficulties, and major stressors. It is often too easy to get upset with your partner for not doing what you wanted them to do such as put the baby down for a nap at a certain time or forgetting to buy diapers. Be understanding of the other person and relax instead of getting into arguments about small things. Keep the big picture in mind and understand that being a parent can be hard on everyone. Breathe deep and ignore the small things that really do not matter.

Before the baby came into the world both of you were probably doing many great things that you enjoyed and loved. Sometimes when the baby arrives both parents think that they need to focus all their attention on the baby and while they do need a great deal of love and attention it is also important for the parents to build their relationship by doing things that they love to do. If you were in love with running or hiking or going bowling keep doing those things after the baby is born. Doing things that you love does not need to change after the baby is born and keeping them up will make you even happier with your relationship and family.

Parenthood can be a challenge for many couples but keeping a strong love and bond can make parenting easier. Start working on your relationship early to keep it strong after the baby arrives by making special time for each other. Communicating about different issues as well as being understanding of the struggles each of you are experiencing can ward off unnecessary arguments. Also keep doing everything that you love to do because if you are happy you will definitely be a better partner and parent.

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