Business & Finance Home Based Business

I Love My Job

Have you ever seen 1 of those plaques in a tourist shop that stated something like -

"A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work."

(If you're not a fisherman you can use whatever your favorite hobby is.)

Now I always got a chuckle out of those silly plaques but never bought one. Instead, I bought a coffee cup for my coffee cup collection and it said -

"I love my job."
"I love my job."
"I love my job."
"I need the money."

Now why do you suppose people buy things that make fun of their job?

While I can't speak for everyone I know I got mine because there were days when I didn't want to go to work. I worked at a place that was casual and most everyone was nice. I had good bosses and I liked what I did. But still, there were days when I just didn't want to go to work.

But now I have an online business and according to all the "gurus" I can work my own hours, work in my pajamas and make lots of money while I'm asleep.

And it's sorta true.

I do set my own hours although there's never enough of them.

I have worked in my pajamas with the curtains closed so no one would see me.

I've even made some money while I slept.

But you know what?

There are still days when I don't want to go to work - even though I can work my own hours, dress however I want, have a great boss (me), like everyone I work with (you) and enjoy what I do.

So what's wrong with me?

The same thing that's wrong with you.

We're all human and we have "off" days (sometimes 2 or 3 of them.)
Even if you truly like your online business you will occasionally have days when you just don't want to do anything. These types of days are usually caused by:

* Stress - You need to do some non-business related work and you've been putting it off. It's hard to concentrate on a sales page when you need to balance your checkbook or file your taxes. Take the time to relieve your stress and do the task you've been putting off.

* Burn Out - You've been working your business every minute you could and haven't taken any time to enjoy your life. To quote from a wise fellow internet marketer, "Internet marketing is what you and I do but it is not your life." Take some time for yourself and your family.

* Frustration - You've done a lot of work and it seems like it's never going to get finished or you finished but didn't get the expected results. This is a hard one because there's no one good solution. If you can find help to get finished or rework your project - get it. If you can't get any help then step back from your project, break it into small, manageable pieces and tackle one piece at a time. As you finish each piece, reward yourself with something.

* Depression - Everyone gets depressed for lots of different reasons so this is another hard one. If you know what's causing your depression you have a better chance of getting over it. If you don't know what's causing it and it lasts a long time you may need to see a doctor. (No, I won't define a long time because I am not a doctor.)

* Loneliness - You work your business alone and don't talk about it to anyone. This is one of the biggest reasons many quit their online business. You need to talk to someone. If you don't have any family or friends to talk to then join some forums or find some others with online businesses and communicate online.

Being motivated every day at your job or online business is hard. Fortunately, with your online business you have some control over what you can do to help you get motivated again.

To Your Success,
Susan Carroll

PS By the way, I am not an exercise fanatic but do recommend that you get some exercise every day. Taking some time to keep your muscles in shape and your blood circulating will help you
both physically and mentally. And the great thing about exercise is that you can actually accomplish something beneficial to both you and your environment. You can:

* Take a walk outdoors and carry a liter bag.

* Jog or bicycle to run errands close to home or visit friends who live close by. Why pollute the air by driving 3 blocks to the mailbox when you don't have to?

* Mow the grass or shovel snow when necessary. (Just be careful to not overdo it.)

* Offer to help a neighbor who has difficulty doing their yard work or putting out the trash. (This will make them feel better too and you might find someone to talk to.)

* Become an adult leader for a youth group - scouts, baseball, basketball, etc. (This will take away some of your time and you can't eat as much as they do but it's very rewarding in addition to being a physical challenge.)

* There are many other ways to get some daily exercise so exercise your mind and find one. (And trips to the refrigerator don't count.)

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