Having crooked teeth, gapped teeth or misaligned teeth may be the cause of many odd looks for you. Having gone through enough, you decide to do something about it, visit the orthodontist, and get paired with a set of braces. However, as an adult wearing braces can truly be a harrowing experience. Your image suffers leaving you feeling less confident. When you visit your dentist Mahtomedi MN, they will be sure to advise you appropriately on the benefits of Invisalign. Here is a look at some of the main benefits of Invisalign over braces:
It is totally incognito in your mouth as it will take a sharp well trained eye at a very close distance to spot it. You will not have any wires gleaming whenever you want to communicate with people around you. There is a theory in mass media where anything that distorts a message is noise. The same applies here as the raucous clamor comes from your gleaming braces. Your cosmetic dentist Mahtomedi MN will be able to explain how you will be able to keep the privacy of your mouth.
The metallic braces tend to cause mouth abrasion. Metal is not comfortable as plastic when in your mouth, thus causing less friction. The friction caused by metallic braces sometimes has adverse damage to the gums where you can get bleeding gums. When it comes to comfort, Invisalign are made to mold into your mouth. They ensure they get the right fit for each tooth. Your dentist family dentist Mahtomedi MN will be sure to stress how comfortable Invisalign will be, it feels like you are not wearing anything.
The benefits with Invisalign means you spend less time on adjustments. Trays will be changed every 2 weeks while on every 6 weeks you will go to your cosmetic dentist Mahtomedi MN so they can monitor your progress and advise accordingly.
If you wonder how your teeth will look after the treatment plan, Invisalign offers you this via a computer generated image of your teeth. With Invisalign you can also monitor how your teeth will look through all the stages of the treatment plan. This means you know basically what to expect out of the treatment provided to you by your dentist Mahtomedi MN.
Invisalign is an innovation in dental medicine that helps you get that perfectly aligned symmetrical smile. In the modeling business you may not be one of the petite tall pretty girls but simply because of your smile you will be rewarded. The first impression one gets of a person is usually important; a perfect smile is a great way to get things off. Having your teeth aligned by a dentist Mahtomedi MN, may give you more opportunities as you may get hired from a job interview simply because of your radiant smile. Visit a cosmetic dentist in Mahtomedi MN and make sure your teeth are aligned to boost your confidence and to be of great aid to you throughout your life.
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