Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Who Decides Who Wins Oscars?


    • In Hollywood, the nominating and selecting for the Oscars are done by the writers, actors, directors, animators, art directors and executives. The only requirement is that each participant be a part of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. However, membership in AMPAS does not come easy and is only accomplished after being nominated and confirmed.

    Nominating Process

    • The nominating process for the Oscars begins with a secret ballot being sent to the 5,000+ members of AMPAS. In turn, each member nominates five films for specific awards, according to their field of expertise. For example, directors get to vote on best director, but are not included in the selection process for best screenwriter. Of course, everyone votes on best picture.

    And Now The Winner

    • Once the first round of voting is complete, the results are tallied and the nominees announced. Next, the final voting commences. By AMPAS law, this crucial procedure is administered by two individuals in order to maintain secrecy until Oscar night.

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