When asking a wild boar hunter the best breed of dog for the job, opinions differ.
Many characteristics must combine to make a good wild pig dog, but popular breeds are often the cur, feist, pit bull, or American bulldog.
Regardless of the breed, the best dog for the job is one that has great stamina for tracking these pigs.
While boars were introduced to the country when settlers brought their domesticated pigs and allowed them to run loose.
Because pigs are of high intelligence, they were able to adapt and thrive and breed.
It wasn't long before their numbers had increased exponentially and a dog was needed to control the population.
The wild boars were not only known for being aggressive towards people they encountered, but they also ruin local vegetation and can harm small species in the area.
There are some things to know before setting out on a wild boar hunt; primarily that the worst time to hunt these animals is in Decemeber when litters are born.
The sow becomes fiercely protective over her young, so not only can a hunter's dogs get harmed, but even the hunter himself.
The sow makes a small depression in the earth where she lines it with grass and branches and has her offspring.
When being hunted, the boar takes cover in dense thickets.
The cur is one dog with a great wild boar hunting reputation.
They are versatile and loyal, and have the ability to run long distances for a great amount of time.
Many hunters also use the American bulldog for the wild boar hunt, though there are different variations of this breed.
Many hunters do not use the Johnson line, which was bred with an English bulldog and a mastiff.
However, the Scott lines are used as they were bred to be used for big game such as the boar.
It's important to know local laws and regulations before heading out on your wild boar hunting trip.
Only fifteen states offer wild boar hunting; Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, and South Carolina.
The laws vary in each of these areas, so doing your research will pay off, allowing the hunter a safe and lawful wild boar hunt.
Some hunters prefer to hire a guide, in which case they can suggest the proper equipment necessary for the hunt.
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