Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Marketing Uncovered - Why Does Article Marketing Remain a High-End Marketing Tactic?

I'm going to make a declaration here and that is article marketing is probably the best kind of free traffic you can generate yourself on the Internet, without the help of joint venture partners.
Why are articles so effective in generating qualified traffic? Well, let's look at the article traffic generating process.
Typically, 10% to 20% of people or less will read your whole article when they click on it and then click on your link in your resource box.
So in this way, you are really only getting only the best qualified traffic through to your website.
If someone has read your whole article, or even if he has just clicked your link and only read a part of your article, that is much more qualified prospect that someone who clicked on a pay per click ad.
People who click on pay per click ads are generally impulsive, so you are paying for clicks that come from non-qualified visitors.
This not the case with article marketing! You only get the most targeted visitors to your website.
And the most profitable way to leverage this traffic you are getting from articles is to build a list.
Always send your traffic to a squeeze page if you can and build a list.
This way, you can continually get your offers in front of your qualified visitors through your list.
And always remember a visitor that comes in from articles is much more qualified than any visitor, except maybe joint venture partner traffic.
Meaning, if a joint venture partner promotes your offer to his list.
But in that situation, you have to rely on others to succeed.

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