Home & Garden Gardening

Building a Greenhouse - What Materials Are Best and Why

Building your first greenhouse should be cheap and easy to construct.
If you have never built a shed like structure before, you will gain a lot of experience building just a simple greenhouse and can then move onto more advanced plans.
There are a variety of different materials that you can use to build your greenhouse.
Here are the three most popular and what their advantages and disadvantages are.
PVC Easy, Cheap But Limited Working with polyethylene or PVC is very easy and you will not need to have a lot of diy experience in order to construct a greenhouse with this material.
It is inexpensive to purchase and is lightweight to work this.
The most obvious disadvantage of this material is that it does not always have the best durability and may not stack up well against heavy and drastic weather conditions.
Even if relatively calm weather conditions, it may be a challenge to meet all the requirements unique to your weather.
Lumber Durable, Cheap But Requires Planning Working with wood is easy.
The cost may be a little more than PVC, but there are the added advantages that the structure will be able to handle far more extreme weather conditions.
If you plan to build a greenhouse out of wood, you will want to think about ventilation, access points and lighting.
Having a selection of plans to work from will produce the best results.
Glass Durable, Effective and Expensive Glass Greenhouses tend to be very difficult and expensive to construct.
They are highly effective in that they allow for plants to experience natural lighting while taking advantage of a protected, warmed environment.
Cutting and dealing with glass can is not an ideal first greenhouse project and planning is vital when working with such fragile materials.

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