Essential fatty acids play a vital role in our overall health and well-being.
They are found naturally in a lot of foods.
But what is the best source of essential fatty acids? How can you reap their maximum benefits? Find out the expert answers in this article.
Fish oil is unarguably the best source of essential fatty acids - EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
These are the two Omega 3 fatty acids that play the most important role in our overall health and well-being.
Although Omega 6 are also essential fatty acids; in the developed world they are already in a very high proportion in the diet of people.
In other words, the consumption of Omega 6 versus Omega 3 is already at very high and unbalanced levels.
A healthy ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 in the diet should be around 3:1 to 5:1.
But in the average Western diet this ratio runs around 20:1 to 30:1.
It implies that the average Western person is consuming 4 to 6 times Omega 6 in comparison to Omega 3 fatty acids.
This is a looming health disaster and could cause a lot of health problems in the coming years.
The reason for this is that a diet consisting of beef, chicken, pork, etc.
is more popular as compared to fish in the Western world.
Besides that, the fish that is available in supermarkets and as part of processed foods often contains a lot of fats by means of margarine or butter.
This leads to a much distorted balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in the diet.
Omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in various body functions.
Due to its many amazing benefits on health, it is also called as the "best essential fatty acid" and unfortunately is also one of the most deficient in the People's diet.
One of its most vital properties is that it is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Now, there are a lot of health problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.
that are caused due to inflammation.
This inflammation is held as inappropriate as it is caused by a "dysfunctional" immune system.
And one of the major causes of this inflammation is the huge imbalance of Omega 6 versus Omega 3 essential fatty acids in our diet.
A supplementation of Omega 3 in the diet of people suffering from arthritis symptoms has shown a lot of improvements in reducing pain, inflammation and morning stiffness as well as increasing mobility.
All the essential fatty acids play some part or the other in either increasing or decreasing inflammation in the body parts.
Omega-3 are the ones that reduce and control inflammation from occurring.
That is the reason why they are categorized as the best essential fatty acids.
Their positive effects on health are unparalleled.
While prescription drugs may be able to control inflammation temporarily, they also have a lot of side effects because they also hinder the proper functioning of the immune system and block its ability to fight infections.
Omega-3's reduce inflammation naturally without interfering in the functions of the immunity system.
The best source of essential fatty acids EPA and DHA is oily fatty fish which are rich in Omega 3s.
But, eating fish on a daily basis also exposes us to the risk of toxins and contaminants such as mercury, PCBs, lead etc.
that are found in their flesh.
The best approach is to use molecularly distilled or "pharmaceutical grade" omega-3 fish oil supplements.
It is the process in which the contaminants are separated and the purified oil is then encapsulated into supplements.
This is the best way to reap the amazing benefits of Omega 3 essential fatty acids without the risk of any health hazards caused due to the presence of contamination.
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