A person can develop a yeast infection due to many reasons, the most important ones being junk food and poor hygiene.
A yeast infection is caused by a fungus called Candida.
Normally when the count of these bacteria goes up then a yeast infection develops.
Both men and women can be affected by this infection but the percentage of this infection in women is slightly higher than in men.
Don't worry! There are many ways to get rid of a yeast infection.
Six fastest ways to get rid of this infection are oHaving a lot of yoghurt - This can kill the yeast and so it is advised you make yoghurt a part of your daily menu.
It has got fantastic properties to attack the bacteria at source.
Yoghurt help you stay away from infections.
oGarlic - Garlic is a wonderful gift of nature that has fantastic antiseptic and antifungal properties.
Consuming a lot of garlic daily is a direct way to say good bye to any infection.
If the infection is deep then you can also place a clove of garlic in soft cloth and insert deep in the vagina.
You will be surprised to see the positive effect.
oWater - There is nothing like consuming lot of water.
It can flush out all the toxins away from the body and keep you infection-free.
Having 10-15 glass of plain water will help you get rid of all the unwanted stuff from your body.
oApple cider - Apple Cider is very good for stopping the yeast infection from spreading.
You can dilute apple cider with vinegar and apply on the infected zone.
oTea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil can also give instant relief from infection.
Regular application of this oil in the vagina can keep the infection away.
oHoney - Application of honey to the vagina will do a great job.
You need to keep it for around 20 minutes and wash it off.
If the infection is deep you can repeat this process twice a day for better results.
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