- 1). Travel to Route 39, which is west of Ecruteak City.
- 2). Talk to Baoba to exchange phone numbers. You can find him near the MooMoo farm on the north section of the route.
- 3). Go south to Olivine City.
- 4). Visit the lighthouse in the southern section of town. On the top floor, Jasmine, the Olivine City gym leader, will ask you to retrieve medicine for her sick Pokemon.
- 5). Retrieve the medicine by visiting the pharmacy on Cianwood City. This island city is located southwest of Olivine City.
- 6). Give Jasmine the medicine. Your exit from the building will trigger a call from Baoba. The Safari Zone is now open.
- 7). Travel to the Safari Zone by heading northwest from Cianwood City. On your journey, you will pass through routes 47 and 48.
- 8). Talk to Baoba in the Safari Zone building to take the Owner Aptitude Test.
- 9). Pass the first test by entering the Safari Zone and capturing a Geodude in the Peak Area.
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Pass the second test by using the Area Customization Machine to alter the position of the Safari Zone areas. You will then need to capture a Sandshrew and bring it to Baoba. After you have completed the test, Baoba will give you free use of the Area Customization Machine and the right to add objects, such as shrubs, fountains and statues, to the Safari Zone.
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