There is nothing for you to feel afraid of when visiting the dentist for a dental procedure because sedation dentistry can relieve your anxieties, as well as the pain involved in the procedure. A dentist first evaluates a patient's level of anxiety before performing any kind of sedation. Then, a treatment plan is formed based on the needs and goals of the patient.
There are several types of sedation dentistry Atlanta dentists use in accordance to the patient's level of anxiety. Oral sedation involves administering medications in the form of a pill or tablet. These oral medications put you to a high level of drowsiness but do not put you to sleep. They are given one hour before the procedure. During your treatment, you remain awake, alert, and relaxed.
Nitrous oxide, also known as the laughing gas, is a sweet tasting gas that is administered through an inhaler. You wear the inhaler and breathe in the laughing gas which calms you. The laughing gas is given to those who have a mild case of anxiety and for short procedures.
Unlike the other two sedation types, general anesthesia puts you on a complete state of sleep. Anesthetic drugs are administered for those who have a high level of anxiety or fear. It can be controlled during the procedure. During your treatment, you do not feel pain at all. An Atlanta sedation dentist uses local anesthesia for a number of procedures, such as dental implants and root canals.
Intravenous (IV) sedation is also like general anesthesia. It uses medications that are administered intravenously to make you feel relaxed. You are hooked up to a blood pressure monitor, heart rate monitor, and pulse oximeter for safety. After the treatment, you do not have any memory of the procedure. Your fear and anxiety are completely alleviated.
Another type of sedation dentistry is Intramuscular (IM) sedation. It uses sedative drugs that are injected to the muscle of the upper arm. It is used for those with moderate levels of fear and anxiety.
If you have always been afraid of visiting the dentist, a sedation dentist Atlanta patients trust can help you allay your fears and anxieties. Sedation dentistry is designed for your comfort and safety. It makes your dental visits pleasant and helps you overcome your fear. Sedation dentistry benefits a number of patients who often avoid appointments with their dentists. It also offers solutions for those with special needs and other medical conditions, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Down syndrome. It also provides relief for those suffering from neck and spinal disorders.
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