Health & Medical Healthy Living

What Do Reiki Symbols Mean?

    Choku Rei

    • The Reiki symbol "Choku Rei" denotes absolute power. This symbol is used to increase the energy levels of the healer, spiritualize an area which has high negative energies, enhance one's healing abilities and make effective other Reiki symbols.

    Sei He Ki

    • This symbol denotes "mental or emotional state of being." It is used to bring the subconscious mental and emotional problems of patients to the surface and thereby pacify the states or eliminate them totally. It is used to bring about peace, harmony and equilibrium in one's emotional state of consciousness.

    Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

    • This symbol is used to facilitate "distance healing." It is used most frequently by many practitioners and is considered to be the most effective symbol as it removes all barriers of space, time and distance, to heal someone in need.

    Dai Ko Myo

    • This is the master symbol and is used in Reiki higher initiations. It seeks to impart light, clarity, enlightenment, silence, understanding and intention to the practitioner.

    Distance Healing

    • With the powerful benefits of Reiki symbols, one can send healing to individuals living in distant places and observe beneficial results instantly.

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