Business & Finance Corporations

3 Questions You Need to Ask to Do Business on YOUR Terms

Do you want your business to represent you as well as your mission? And do you also want to feel happy about the way you do business? The keys in this article help you accomplish all that - and more! All heart-centered entrepreneurs have one thing in common: They want to make a positive difference in the world.
And the ambitious ones, like my clients, and myself, want this difference to be BIG - as big as is possible for them.
Of course, they want to have a life as well.
Sure, they want to reach a lot of people.
And yes, they want to make good money (whatever that amount is - that's different for everyone).
But they don't want to compromise themselves, their values, or their lifestyle.
Unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way.
It can be hard to have it all: success, money, fulfillment, a thriving business and a great lifestyle.
Most people aren't even sure it is possible to have it all - let alone believe that THEY are worthy of having it all! Don't get me wrong: I don't believe in woowooland where the sun always shines and money grows on trees and everybody is loving and nice and smiling and happy-happy-happy all the time.
I'm too realistic and grounded for that.
Life and business can be great, but that doesn't mean there are no challenges, problems, disappointments or overall shitty experiences.
It can get pretty messy sometimes.
That's part of business and of life.
But I DO believe it's possible to create a business that supports your ideal lifestyle AND make a Big difference at the same time.
And I believe you owe it to yourself and your clients to take excellent care of yourself first, and to do your utmost to create a business that serves you instead of drains you.
(I'll share lots of wisdom and practical tips on how to accomplish this in my upcoming book 'The Art of Divine Selfishness - transforming the world by thinking of YOU') Unfortunately, a lot of entrepreneurs do feel drained, overwhelmed, overworked, underpaid and unfulfilled.
I know - I have felt like that many times myself.
Most recently in the last couple of months, when I didn't manage to create enough alone time for myself.
Thankfully I have managed to turn this around by making a lot of decisions and changes in my business, programs and work schedule.
These 3 questions helped me with that.
They can help you get clarity around your business, mission and needs as well.
Question 1: What wants to be expressed through me? No, it's not an easy question to answer.
But this question is absolutely essential.
It helps you:
  • Go within yourself, and tap into your own inner wisdom;
  • Connect to your soul purpose, and
  • Connect to that thing that ONLY you can do, that thing you were born and uniquely suited to do.
One or more answers might come up right away, but it will probably take more time than that.
Just keep the question in the back of your mind, and see what comes up.
Once the answers come up, start thinking about HOW you can express your purpose in your business: What services, programs, products etc.
could you turn your purpose into? Question 2: What do I need to express this purpose in a way that makes me happy?
  • What do you need?
  • How many hours do you want to work per day, week, month and year?
  • What does your ideal client look like? What boundaries do you need?
  • What don't you want to put up with anymore?
Imagine that ANYTHING is possible, and you can create ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want, like and need: What would your business look like then? Question 3: What possible pitfalls or obstacles might be in the way of creating this ideal business of yours?
  • What could get in the way of you creating your ideal business? And how can you prevent this from happening or solve it if it does happen?
  • Maybe you need more knowledge, about business models and marketing and overall entrepreneurship.
    (This was my biggest obstacle when I started my business)
  • You might need more courage.
    Or boundaries.
    Or hire your first or second or third assistant.
This week's transformational action:
  1. Take some time to answer these questions above.
  2. After that, translate your answers into actions.
  3. What do you need to do?
When will you do it? Create bite size action steps or take a giant leap.
Whatever you do, act upon the insights you gained.
And remember: the action that seems hardest to take, is most likely the one that will yield the most results.

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