Health & Medical Body building

How to Get the Perfect Abs in Record Time

Wow, you just saw a commercial with the man and woman with the perfect abs.
You assume that it took them years to achieve this goal.
Not so.
Abdominals can be built in a few weeks.
This large muscle group is extremely responsive to exercise and is easily turned quite tight and attractive.
They say that your abdominals are built in the kitchen and not the gym.
This is quite true.
I have helped many people build a remarkable set of abs in record time and without fail the most difficult part was not doing the exercises.
The most difficult part was removing the layer of fat that covered the attractive new six pack.
That is whats meant by abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym.
Most people, even the "fatty's" among us have an attractive set of abs.
The problem is the thick skin covering them is too full of fat cells to allow the details and definition show through.
Imagine putting a mountain bike on the ground and putting a thin curtain across it.
Once the curtain settles, the details of the mountain bike will show quite clearly, theres the peddle, theres the shape of the wheel, theres the steering column.
Now imagine the same scenario, but instead of a thin curtain, we place across the mountain bike, a bed mattress and try and identify parts of the bike...
can't do it.
Cant see a thing.
The mattress shows no shapes through.
All you see is the mattress.
This same scenario can be applied to showing off your abs.
If your skin is thin, your ab muscles show through proudly.
If your skin is thick, like the mattress, the muscle is invisible.
No hints of abdominals show through even though, you most likely already have nice abdominals.
So what we are doing is two things.
We are going to limit your calorie intake if you are overweight and we are going to hit your abs with crunches and sit ups in an effort to enlarge the muscle group.
This is how to get the perfect abs in record time.

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