Looking for information on how to treat a yeast infection? There is much information available and some of the remedies work, others do not.
Anyone can get a yeast infection.
It matters not if you are a man, a woman, a child or an infant.
Candida albicans, the culprit behind these infections, lives in all of us.
And these infections are contagious...
they can be passed between sexual partners, from a mother to an infant during breastfeeding, or from one family member to another by sharing a towel or a bath.
While these infections are talked about as mostly affecting women, it is good to remember that everyone can get one.
What matters most is if you get one, you need to know how to treat an infection.
They can also appear anywhere.
They can affect the vagina, the penis, the feet, armpits, the mouth, finger nail beds, as well as grow internally.
No matter who has the infection or where it is located you need to find out how to treat an infection.
You may choose to see a doctor for your infection.
The doctor will write you a prescription for a medication that will treat your symptoms adequately.
You may choose to buy an over the counter medication at your local pharmacy.
This medication may or may not treat your infection adequately as well.
Or when looking for how to treat a yeast infection you can try some home remedies that have been used for generations.
Some will be very effective, others not so much.
The choice is yours on where your confidence lies.
Since a doctor and a pharmacist can supply their own reasoning for recommending one treatment or other, we'll focus on the home remedies here.
Acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus is a good remedy.
You can get it in yogurt or as a supplement.
Plain yogurt with live cultures can be applied to most infections.
For internal infections or to add more punch to an external application, you can either take the supplement or eat yogurt containing acidophilus.
Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar can be diluted with water and applied to the infection.
Vinegar is acidic, and it attacks the yeast extremely well.
Some people also swear by taking a tablespoon of vinegar internally.
Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from a tree that grows in Australia.
It is a very potent antibacterial and antifungal oil.
It should be applied topically.
It can be applied directly to some areas, and mixed with a carrier oil to dilute it slightly for more tender areas.
Tea tree oil is very strong, and usually a few drops will be all you need for one application.
Knowing how to treat a yeast infection can save you from suffering from a long-established painful infection.
Learn what you need to do in case you develop one...
you'll find relief faster.
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