Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

A Quick Overview Of Childhood Dyslexia

With the knowledge of dyslexia being so much better nowadays many parents become concerned as well as wonder if their own toddler is showing signs of dyslexia. Previously many experts believed children had to be of school age before they could be investigated and a diagnosis reached. It is now recognised that it is possible to see many signs suggestive of dyslexia when they are younger, which means early therapy can be started to help the child thrive.

The most common presentation of dyslexia is a child having difficulty  with reading, spelling and writing. However it may also cause problems with a whole selection of brain abilities such as memory, numbers, sequences, motor skills as well as speech. It can exist in any child from every background.

In babies and toddlers before school they may be found to have a dyslexic profile, which covers a wide range of indicators you notice. They can be broken down into all the main understanding areas covering common learning, speech and  physical skills.

Frequently there will be a family good history for similar problems as there is thought to be a strong hereditary component. It is not unusual for that first suggestive signs and symptoms of potential problems to be seen are related to getting dressed.

Physically your child might seem clumsy, frequently walking into objects, having problems playing with balls and struggling with activities requiring coordination such as skipping. You also may notice that their appreciation and understanding of rhythm is inconsistent.

Often the first causes of worry for parents are related to speech and language issues. They could be slow to be able to talk well, often jumbling upward phrases and names. Struggling to link the correct names to objects is also not uncommon. For many children they constantly get mixed up  with directions such as left and right. Remembering things such as childrens rhymes is another area of concern.

On the other hand of course your child could well show lots of positive traits. You  will be very pleased with your children's ability to think things through. The trouble is instructions are often not really fully comprehended. Additionally their artistic abilities may be very good. From drawing to understanding of colour their skill and capability is clear.

You could notice that architectural and building tasks really engage your child. . They will enjoy puzzles both performing them themselves and with you. One of the great hopes for helping dyslexia is computers and software. Utilizing technology such as that is often easier for them to pick up.

Now that is a very thorough list and of course numerous children will go via many of the problems laid out. What is observed is that as the days and months move on there is no improvement while with the expected development the problems are consigned to history.

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