Most everyone would prefer not to have to commute. Yet for many of us a long trip stands between our homes and our offices. Commuting can cause increased stress levels, sleep deprivation, reduced work performances and can feel like a giant waste of time. There are however ways to make the daily commute more manageable.
First and foremost if possible you should consider moving closer to your place of occupation. Long commutes have been proven to cause obesity, neck pain, loneliness, divorce, stress and insomnia. Even if moving meant downsizing, it could possibly lead to drastic improvements in your life and ultimately make you much happier. That being said for some moving to lessen their commute is a logistical impossibility, for those people there are ways to make your commute more bearable.
Make sure you have good music accompanying you on your long ride. Invest in an iPod car adapter or take the time to make mixed cds before heading off to work. If you have music that makes you happy as youre driving, youre less likely to stress and it will give you some time to listen to the music that you love. Be sure to add variety to your commute music. Change play lists or cds each time you hop in the car.
If music isnt your thing, or you are looking for something new try listening to a book. Thanks to todays technology you can download audio books quickly to your iPod or smart phone. If youve been wanting to read the latest book by your favorite author but cant find the time to do some leisurely reading put your commute to good use. Itll help keep your mind active and is sure to help the commute go by faster.
You can also try listening to a few podcasts. Itunes houses podcasts on thousands of subjects from art, to comedy. Podcasts are often educational and can be a great way to inject fun into your daily commute. In addition to Podcasts there are many programs which can help you to learn a foreign language as you drive. So why not mix all three into your daily routine, listen to some great music, listen to a new novel and tune in to a podcast? You may just find that your hour long commute becomes a little less dreary.
If you still find yourself stressed as you drive try a few of these relaxation techniques given by Try and get out the work days tension. If you find yourself stopped in traffic or at a red light grip the wheel tightly, roll your shoulders up towards your ears and scrunch your face, squeeze every muscle in your body, allow your body to mimic the tension you feel. Then exhale and let go of all of the tension you feel. Repeat this process as necessary. You should also take the time to breathe deeply as you commute. Make it a habit to take a deep breath every time the light turns green or every time you change lanes. Breathing deeply allows you to unload stress You can also practice good posture as you drive, ensuring that you dont develop neck or back pain from your daily drive. Lastly allow yourself to blow off some steam. Let yourself scream, groan or sigh, it allows you to get out some of those feelings of frustration and may make you laugh.
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