Anne Frank"s story began in Germany in the 1920"s when her parents, Otto and Edith Frank led a happy life that was highlighted by the births of their two daughters Margot and Anne. In response to Hitler"s anti-Jewish policies, Otto Frank opened a branch of his company in Amsterdam and began planning for his family to live there.
The Frank family ended up moving into a house on Medwedplein in southern Amsterdam in 1933 where Anne finally attended school in nearby Montessori. Anne was an excellent student and great comrade to the many friends she had while attending.
The sense of security that this family built by moving to Amsterdam all collapsed in 1940 when Adolf Hitler and his troops conquered Holland and quickly limited the freedom of the Jews. They were told where to shop, where to go to school, where to eat, amongst many other things. Anne Frank"s Story is Brilliant!
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Otto Frank, being a smart and well thought man, spent a year preparing and stocking an annex behind his business office into a hiding place for his family and other families.
Anne received a Diary as a gift from her parents on her 13th birthday in 1942. She immediately began writing her thoughts. A few weeks later, Margot received a notice from the Nazi SS to report to a labor camp. The Frank family moved to the annex on July 5th, 1942.
The family hid in the annex for two years, during that time her diary was her confident, and her friend. Her story was extraordinary as it described the circumstances that she was living under at those times.
Eight people eventually ended up living in the annex. The four members of the Frank family, three members from the Van Pels family, and an elderly dentist.
Anne"s famous diary described two years of hiding in the annex but it ended on August 4th, 1944 when a Dutch woman by the name of Lena Hartog-Van Bladeren denounced the hiding place to the Gestapo.
All the residents of the annex were arrested by the Nazis and soon deported to Nazi concentration camps all over Poland and Germany. When the Gestapo raided the house, they opened the suitcase where Anne kept her diary and all the pages were scattered over the floor.
After a few weeks, the allies began retaking parts of Holland and the concentration camps were moving the inhabitants to Auschwitz and to other camps. The families were separated upon arrival to Auschwitz.
Survivors of the Anne Frank Story
Otto Frank was the only survivor out of the 8 residents of the annex. He founded the Anne Frank Foundation and published her diary as a testimonial of rough times and to bring hope to the future generations through the Anne Frank Story.
Anne Frank
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