Business & Finance Social Media

Are You Losing Sleep and Money by Spending Way Too Much Time on Social Media Websites?

Social Media is an Addiction! Are you willing to admit how much time you really spend on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
? Every day millions of people excitedly chat and share with people all over the world on these social media websites.
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of places online to participate is social media exchanges.
If your goal is to use social media as a tool in online internet marketing, to make a profit and put an end to the 9 to 5 J-O-B then beware, you can easily get sucked into hours, weeks and months of wasted time with no real benefit to your wealth goals.
How do I know? That's what I got sucked into for a few months before I realized the error of my ways.
So let's take a quick the problem with social media and then what people should do instead to be on their way to becoming successful at online internet marketing.
The Mistake - Spending way too much time on Social Media websites.
Many people are new to the internet marketing and don't know what to do first.
Some are even a little afraid of it all.
So they turn to social media sites seeking out advice from others in the internet marketing space and soon get caught up in the lure of, well, being social.
One can easily sit and stare at hundreds or thousands of messages providing a multitude of opportunities to share thoughts and ideas with others on these social media websites.
Then, before you know it, the clock reads 2 am and you've just given up 6 hours of your life.
And that's just in one evening! Did you learn anything that would progress your online marketing business? Maybe you learned a little bit but certainly not 6 hours worth.
Was it worth it? Did it forward your business goals? Unlikely! What to do instead: Stay off the social media sites during your learning phase and then join in only to make progress for your internet marketing business.
Focus your time and attention on the building blocks within your blueprint.
It is your job to take responsibility for your success.
Your training courses and your mentors can provide guidance through the blueprint but it is up to you to focus your efforts.
There is a time for social marketing after you have the basics down and as part of your coordinated blueprint process.
There are automated systems, robots if you will, that can alleviate a lot of the tedious, time sucking social media marketing tasks.
Please understand, it is alright to participate in social media, to engage with friends new and old.
But as you build your internet marketing business you have to give priority to following a blueprint within your business plan if you really want to create profits and the freedoms that internet marketing could provide.
Focus on the tasks that will make it happen.

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