Nowadays many people would like to share their short videos on famous video sites, and a great number of people can watch their works. If their short films are really interesting and special, more and more people would like to watch them and the short film producer will become famous in the network world. Everyone can show his or her talent on filmmaking by sharing the short video online. If you want to be a film director, you can also make short films and upload it to the video site.
Actually, you should tell a good story in your short film. Even you are going to make a short film; you need to put all your effort in it to make a good quality short video. In order to make a short film, you should follow three main steps - preproduction, production and postproduction.
In the preproduction process, you should select a subject or a topic for the short video. It all depends on you, whether you are going to shoot a short documentary or a fiction story. If you choose the documentary, you should do different researches and investigate a specific subject; if you choose a fictional story, you need to write a good film script. Make sure that all your ideas and stories are original. And then you need to do the prepare work for the short film productions. For example, you have to script your film, hire actors and other staff to form your film crew and find film shooting equipments or just rent professional video equipment if you only have a small budget.
In the production process, you have to direct everyone in the film set, from actors to cameramen. Capture film scenes from multiple angles and shoot each scene in as few takes as possible. When actors are taking rehearsals before formal shooting, you have to give direction to make changes if they cannot achieve the effect youve expected. And youll get a plenty of film footage in this process.
In the postproduction process, you have to edit the footage and make the short film. You have to take use of film editing software and edit the best takes and footage into the film. Sure, there are some shots that dont make sense, and these shots will not appear in the finished short movie. Export the finished short movie and compress it for the web using compression software. When you have uploaded it to a website, then everyone on the internet can click to watch your work.
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