- Online training is relatively new. Students log in to investing classes on their computers and learn how to make effective trades resulting in higher profits. Classes involve video instruction, live teacher training, written tests and even one-on-one mentoring. Tradesight and The Online Stock Trading School offer stock trading classes over the internet.
- There are conventional brick-and-mortar schools for stock traders, but most offer an online course. For instance, the Online Trading Academy offers online and in-classroom training courses. In-classroom instruction covers several aspects of executing a profitable trade. Their courses focus on why stocks fluctuate in value, where to find them and how to take better advantage of movements in the market. Princeton Day Trading also offers courses in day trading, also referred to as short-term stock investing.
- Stock trading classes teach you how to spot more opportunities in the market, how to analyze a chart, when to buy and when to know it is the right time to sell. Classes take an alternative viewpoint and analyze some of the reasons a stock might make gains. Many schools also teach alternatives to buy and hold investing, opening students to more money-making opportunities with stocks that are about to make fast moves.This is commonly referred to as day trading, a style of investing in which securities are held for a short period, as little as a few days.
- There are classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced investors. Beginning classes start with the basics like how to read a stock chart and what a price-to-earning ratio is. Intermediate classes teach students how to analyze the charts and where to look for excellent trading opportunities. Advanced courses teach trading techniques such as short selling and buying stocks on the margin. These lessons involve complex strategies beginners will not immediately understand.
- In addition to stock trading classes, which focus on the trading of stock certificates, additional investing courses are available. For instance, options trading, where traders buy a contract which grants the option to purchase (referred to as a call) or sell (called a put) a stock at a certain price. Forex inevsting courses are also available. They teach the complex foreign exchange markets and how to earn money buying currencies from different countries.