I wish you could see the steam coming out of my ears right now.
Actually, maybe you're better off that you can't.
Why am I so steamed? Well, I just finished reading a thread at my favorite forum about copywriters not writing for others until they're good enough.
Well, I have one question to ask.
According to whose standards? Anyway, this article is kind of a mini rant so if you have a problem with flying furniture, you might want to skip this one.
Back when I was in school (about 30 something years ago) I graduated college with a lot of great skills and a ton of smarts.
I knew that I could be a valuable asset to some corporation, but the problem was...
I had no experience.
You know...
the old catch 22.
I couldn't get a job without experience and I couldn't get experience if nobody gave me a job.
Took me over a year to finally land one.
It's no different with copywriting, according to some hot shot copywriters, and it drives me crazy.
From what I hear, as a copywriter, you shouldn't be writing and charging money for your copy until you can prove that you can write copy that converts.
Well how the heck are you supposed to do that if you can't get anybody to let you write for them? Yep, the old catch 22 again.
I think it's a load of BS.
If you have belief in your skills, go out and look for work.
Oh heaven help you if you screw up your first assignment because word will get around and you may never get another copywriting gig again.
But by all means...
go for it.
Now, having said that, don't be surprised if your prospective customer asks you for samples of past work and when you don't have any, they pass on hiring you.
I know...
not fair, but that's the way it is.
Okay, you're probably wondering how to get around this.
Well, there IS one way.
Offer to do your first sales letter for nothing OR for a percent of the sales.
This way, if it doesn't convert, the customer is only out some time.
No, he's still not going to be happy, but at least it didn't cost him any money.
Fair or not, this is the world we live in.
In order to get work, you have to prove yourself.
And that's hard to do when you've never gotten work before.
So, get yourself a good education and then have some belief in yourself.
That's the way it's done.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
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