Health & Medical Mental Health

ADHD Parenting Tips - 7 Strategies You Can Use Right Now to Make it Through One More Day With ADHD

Parenting a child with ADHD is anything but easy.
In fact, most parents I speak with feel defeated by the constant flood of phone calls of yet another incident.
As if this fear isn't enough, wouldn't you just like everything to be easier like "everybody" else seems to have it? It's not uncommon to feel like everyone has is it made with their child, while you seem to be struggling day after day.
It doesn't have to be that way! If you follow these 7 tips, you will quickly start to see a change in how your child with ADHD behaves at home, at school, and with his or her friends.
Strategy #1: Recognize Differences As the parent of a child with ADHD, the same strategies you have used with your other children, or that other parents use with their children, will not work.
You already know this! But most people tend to focus on the negatives associated with ADHD.
I am asking you to focus on your child being different.
Strategy #2: Throw Out The Labels Raising a child who is different can feel like a lot more work is involved.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Rather, your child requires different strategies to be successful in life.
Start by throwing the label of ADHD right out the window.
Labels like this can be very damaging to anyone's self-esteem, particularly for a child who stands out from the crowd.
Strategy #3: No More Excuses ADHD can be an explanation for what your child or family is struggling with, but it should never be used as an excuse.
Your child is not broken, and with the right supports, he can be just as capable and successful as the next person.
Seriously! Strategy# 4: Focus On Behaviors A lot of parents of children with ADHD tend to focus on the diagnosis.
It's not their fault.
You just likely haven't been told what you should be focusing on instead.
I'm here to tell you that it's more about focusing on the behaviors you expect, and what you will not tolerate.
Strategy #5: Give Clear Choices A child with ADHD needs very clear choices.
You cannot be vague with them.
Set expectations, give two choices, and let them know the consequences (or results) that go along with each choice.
Strategy #6: Set Reasonable Goals Get very clear with what you are working towards.
Make sure you set reasonable goals with small steps and small victories.
Be sure you write them down.
It's not enough to just talk about them.
Strategy #7: Schedule More "Me" Time You know it's not easy raising a child who is different.
I don't need to tell you that anymore.
But what I can offer is the idea of finding more time for you.
Be sure that you are setting aside time that is enjoyable for you.
These tips really will work for you.
Parenting a child who is different, a child with ADHD, requires a strong foundation and strategies that will work.
Brought to you Rory Stern & ADHDFamilyOnline.

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