Transvaginal mesh surgery is a medical procedure to treat pelvic organ prolapse, a very serious condition that occurs when the muscles and tissues holding the pelvic organs in place lose strength and become too weak to support these organs causing them to bulge into the vaginal wall. The goal of this surgery is to offer support for the bulging organs by implanting mesh. Many patients prefer to avoid this method until no other pelvic organ prolapse treatment options are available, not necessary because this is a risk magnet but because there are other treatment less intrusive.
Certain events in a woman's life like childbirth, menopause or aging can cause pelvic organ prolapse. Almost 50 percent of women face POP problems after childbirth due to the physical stress involved causing the muscles and tissues surrounding the uterus, bladder and top of the vagina to become weak, situation that will lead the abdominal organs to bulge into the vagina.
Despite its good intentions, the surgical mesh can also produce health complication with very serious effects on the affected patient. Bleeding, urinary problems, organ perforation and severe pain can all be inflicted on the patient if something goes wrong with the transvaginal mesh implant.
If you experience any of these health problems after having transvaginal surgery, it is very important to consult the doctor responsible with the surgery to find out the details of the operation and the type of mesh used. This information will not only help the patient from a medical point of view, but also from a legal one.
Patients that experienced the effects of a faulty mesh implant may be entitled to recover a substantial sum of money as compensation, which will be able to take care of all medical expenses, any lost wages produced by the patient's situation and all the pain and suffering experienced by the patient and family. Before deciding to take legal actions against those responsible for your current situation it is recommended to seek legal assistance from an experienced and skillful transvaginal mesh lawyer for a free review of your case. A review of your case will determine the exact cause of your current health problems and your lawyer will be able to inform you about what legal options are available for your particular situation. Medical expenses tend to reach high amounts of money, especially with certain conditions that require quality treatment. A faulty vaginal mesh surgery is no different, which makes compensation vital.
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