Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

How to Lower Cholesterol Without Using Drugs

Cardiovascular disease is thought to be our number one killer, as just less than 1,000,000 Americans die from cardiovascular related illnesses each year.

Reducing cholesterol in particular LDL, the "bad cholesterol" (which creates plaque in our arteries which then impedes blood flow to the heart and the brain) - can significantly improve your overall cardiovascular functioning.

The causes of higher than normal cholesterol are ingesting too many animal products, in particular red meat & dairy products, and ones liver itself producing an excessive amount of cholesterol.

So how can one go about reducing cholesterol levels safely?

Non-dietary factors can have an influence. Lets examine a few of these first. These include making sure you get out in the sun everyday and maintaining a regular schedule of exercise of around 30 to 45 minutes duration, such as swimming, bicycle riding or walking, to help strengthen your cardiovascular system. In addition, you should try to lose any excess pounds that you are carrying around on your body. Even losing 10 pounds can result in a definite lowering of your cholesterol. And, of course, both smoking and alcohol consumption should be eliminated or kept to a minimum. With regards to alcohol, men should restrict themselves to two drinks per day, and women just one.

Equally important in reducing cholesterol is focusing on your diet. First some basic advice. Try to drink at least 6 glasses of water each day. Limit the quantity of animal and dairy foods you eat on a regular basis to no more than ten percent of your calorie intake. Try to eat lean cuts of meat and skim milk. Some species of fish, including tuna, halibut and cod, contain significantly less cholesterol than red meat. Other fish products such as mackerel and salmon contain high levels of certain acids which help your cardiovascular functioning. Try to eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, as well as vegetables and fresh fruits and stay away from hydrogenated oils and fried foods.

Well now set out a few of the natural foods we can eat to help lower cholesterol. The fiber contained in whole grains can aid in preventing the cholesterol contained in the foods we ingest from entering our blood. Select pastas and breads made from whole grains, and eat brown rather than white rice. You should also try to eat more nuts and soy foods, sprouts and seaweed as well.

Some vitamins may be very useful specifically C, B6 and E. Other natural supplements that can aid in lowering cholesterol include garlic (raw), chromium, grape seed extract, soy, carnitine and pantothine. These increase the levels of the good cholesterol (HDL), which can help significantly. Both plant sterols and Omega-3 fatty acids also can benefit your cardiovascular health. Blueberries, too, are very useful in reducing cholesterol. And try to drink every morning a nice blended natural fruit drink with spirulina and soy protein mixed in.

If you take the time and make the effort to follow the simple tips outlined above, you should be able to reduce your cholesterol levels . But if you find that your cholesterol levels continue to be high, you should speak with your doctor about it you may require medication or a natural supplement to help lower your cholesterol levels.

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