Save Cash and the Environment! Scooters of many different types have become very popular in the states over the last few years.
First of all they were the new toy for kids and took the place of the now old-fashioned bicycle.
All of a sudden your kids wanted to get outside and ride around in the fresh air instead of being glued to their computer.
Then you didn't have to drive them everywhere in the neighborhood, because they preferred to go visit their friends or the park under their own electric power.
The electric scooters for kids have certainly contributed a lot to them becoming more independent.
As a cheap vehicle to buy and maintain, discount gas powered motorized scooters are set to push gas mopeds out of the market.
Up till now mopeds from brands like Yamaha, Honda and Tomos had been the first choice for youngsters.
However, scooters are now seen as 'cool' and interest in noisy cheap mopeds, which leave a rider vulnerable on the roads, is waning.
Much to the relief of many parents I know! Seniors who want to stay active, but find it hard to walk too far are also using adult electric or gas powered scooters to get out of the house and keep up their social life and independence.
Going out on one of these has several advantages for seniors when compared to going everywhere by car.
If you are on a vehicle on the pavement, you have more contact with the people around you and there are more chances to stop and have a chat.
It's also a lot cheaper than having to maintain a car that you only use to go to the convenience store or church.
Seniors who don't feel active enough to cope with a gas motorized scooter can also maintain their independence and social activities by using an electric mobility scooter for getting around.
These handy vehicles have a comfortable seat and can be used both indoors and outdoors.
You can use them in supermarkets, stores and public buildings like museums.
They travel at speeds of about 5 miles an hour and have a 15 - 20 mile range from one charge.
Many people have seen their life improve tremendously thanks to getting an electric mobility aid.
The three-wheel scooters are more compact and maneuverable and are only for use on flat surfaces like pavements.
But if you need to get mobility help on rough ground, you can buy a four-wheeler which is sturdier and can easily travel over rough and stony ground.
A four-wheeler is also very helpful to people who weigh heavy and may get trapped at home because they find walking too tiring.
The heavy weight electric mobility scooters can take a weight of up to 500 lbs.
and can prove to be a life-line to a lot of folks.
For disabled people of all ages, the specially adapted disabled mobility scooter has meant that they can leave their home, get a job and join in with all areas of society.
Having your own personal transport system is great for making you feel independent and capable.
One of the most exciting new developments in the world of motor scooters is the new Piaggio three-wheeler, which is making vehicles like the two wheel Cushman motor scooter seem old-fashioned.
When folks find out about this revolutionary new moped replacement, I reckon we're going to see a lot of old-style Vespa scooters for sale! The important advantage of having three wheels, two at the front and one at the rear, is that it's more safe and stable over wet asphalt or rough uneven terrain.
All the motor scooter reviews are raving about the new Piaggio three-wheeler and it's fast as well as safer.
Currently, you can buy up to a 250cc model but the more powerful 500cc will soon be available from dealers.
I think that with these new types of personal vehicle we can all benefit from cheaper travel and lower gas emissions, so if you haven't already got a scooter maybe it's time you gave it some serious thought!
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