The great thing about starting a blog is that anyone can do it and start making extra money in their spare time.
Because of free blog sites, all you need is an email address and you could have your own free blog online in under 10 minutes.
If you can make a commitment to publish new articles on your blog every day, you could easily be making an extra $150 or more a day, just from 30 - 45 minutes of work.
If you know how to use email, then you have the skills necessary to blog.
You can literally type your blog article in an email and send it to your blog's email address to publish it online.
It's really that simple.
Why is it so simple to make money blogging? Google owns the largest free blogging service, and while it's free to you, it's making money for them and millions of bloggers.
Here's why...
Advertisers pay Google to run ads on their websites.
When you use a Google blog, you can allow these ads to run on your site as well.
Every time someone clicks an ad, the advertiser is charged and Google shares part of the revenue with you.
It may only be a $1 for every click, but there are over 2 billion people online at any given time.
That's a lot of opportunity for people to click the ads on your site.
And because you're using a free blog that is owned by Google, they want to make sure your website gets seen and gets a lot of people clicking those links.
That means your site will quickly get listed in the Google search engine for people to find you.