Drop shipping is a great way to begin a career selling products online. Things like being able to set your own profit margin and never having to keep inventory or pay up front can make drop shipping a very attractive venture. Many people though make the mistake of simply jumping on a search engine and looking for drop shipping companies. This is not the way to go and will more then likely get you into a bind. Real wholesale companies that are willing to allow a small business to buy for resale typically do not even advertise. Many companies and websites are out there though that buy from the real wholesalers and then tell you they are giving you the best price. Nine out of ten times you will find these middleman companies are selling at either close to retail or at the same price you can already find the products on eBay or yahoo for.
The advantages of drop shipping are there and the potential for profit is real if you know where to look and what to do. The trick is to find a reputable wholesale company or drop shipper who will do blind drop shipping for you or provide custom labels with your name on it. Blind drop shipping is simply when the drop shipper ships the parcel with no advertisements inside or markings on the box to identify the product did not come from you. The idea in drop shipping makes you a middleman essentially and the most important aspect for success is in finding the sources that put you in contact with the manufacturers or direct wholesale companies who can provide the lowest pricing. Most of these companies will only sell to an established business and require you to fill out an application providing your information for review. Typically the company will ask for a resellers license number or tax I.D., name, address, and website. If you plan to sell on eBay more then likely you will need to find a wholesaler that caters to eBay specifically. Nowadays though selling on eBay is tough, competition is fierce and it is not recommended.
There is more potential for success in having your own store or sites like yahoo to sell competitively. If you are just starting out or are in need of new sources and some great information on drop shipping I highly recommend dropshipping4idiots.com. Not only was this site built by people who already have made the mistakes you need to avoid but they offer a 60 day money back guarantee on their product. There is no risk involved when you use a resource like this, however there is much risk in going it alone.
Drop shipping has great potential and you can make a decent living. Knowing what to do and what not to do is very important. With dropshipping4idiots.com there are many unique advantages for you to capitalize on. They even have a section for eBay that outlines the tricks and untapped niches that are still available. With over 300 sources of real wholesale companies and direct drop shippers this is a 'no brainer' to get you started. Following the simple step by step instructions make drop shipping incredibly profitable and are written with ease of use in mind. Don't settle for less then the best and remember, once you have the tools necessary there is little start up cost and vast potential for profit that you set yourself. With drop shipping you literally have all the power to create your own income right at your finger tips, you just need to know which direction to go. Dropshipping4Idiots.com practically takes you by the hand and guarantees your success.